The Seller Helper logo

The Seller Helper


/ Month

Automate inventory, orders & tracking

Automated tracking
Automated inventory
Bulk product import
Automated ordering
Large catalog

About The Seller Helper

Launched Oct 13, 2022


Built by The Seller Helper

Email :

[email protected]


106 Gentle River Rd, Harvest, AL, 35749, US

Website Privacy policy FAQ


Our app allows you to choose products, manage inventory, orders & tracking via a single dashboard.

With our app you can select any product(s) from our large catalog and send them individually or in bulk to your store. Our app will keep your products updated so you aren't selling out of stock products. You will also be able to place your orders in one click or fully automate ordering/fulfillment. As soon as tracking is available our app will send tracking back to your Shopify store which allows for quick communications with your customers and giving you more time to grown your business.

With our app you can select any product(s) from our large catalog and send them individually or in bulk to your store. Our app will keep your products updated so you aren't selling out of stock products. You will also be able to place your orders in one click or fully automate ordering/fulfillment. As soon as tracking is available our app will send tracking back to your Shopify store which allows for quick communications with your customers and giving you more time to grown your business. more
  • Automated Inventory
  • Automated Ordering
  • Automated Tracking
  • Huge Product Catalog to Choose From


  • Automated inventory management prevents selling out-of-stock products
  • Large catalog of products to choose from
  • Ability to send products individually or in bulk to the store
  • One-click ordering or fully automated ordering and fulfillment
  • Automated tracking updates sent back to the Shopify store for improved customer communication
  • Streamlines operations, giving more time to focus on growing the business


  • Potential for dependence on the app for order and inventory management
  • Initial setup might have a learning curve for new users
  • Automation may not handle every unique business scenario, requiring occasional manual intervention
  • Limited to integration with Shopify stores, potentially reducing utility for non-Shopify users

Rating And Reviews

Coffee and Paw

Nov 22, 2022  on Shopify

Sadly i have to give this app a 1 star review. For Shopify stores the inability to change product sell prices, and keep them changed, individually, means you have little to no control over their items in your store. I understand their reasoning behind this but we live in a competitive world and need to change with it!

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