Communicate important information about your product prices.
Premises # 001 - 35527, DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, DU, 341041, AE
Website Privacy policyCustom Price Text app comes with advanced rule based management that enables you to create multiple rules to add different text before and after prices based on products, categories, guest users, customer tags and more. While creating each rule, you can choose to display text on product pages, listing pages or entire shop. Use Cases: * Starting from $10.00 per unit * $10.00 per lb * $10.00 per bottle * $10.00 per box * $10.00 with free shipping * $10.00 only * Buy Now for $9.00
Increase sales with IG reels, stories, TikTok & UGC
Leverage your TikTok & Instagram Reels to improve conversions...
Offer Live Product Customization with Unlimited Options
Accordion tabs for your Product Description or FAQ page