Set an extra product price (sell VAT free).
Launched Aug 01, 2017
Avenida Perfecto Palacio de la Fuente, 6, Alicante, A, 03003, ES
Website Privacy policyEasy popups, banners, upsell tool, header bar to boost sales...
Multi Pricing adds an additional price to the products in your Shopify store. This allows you to sell VAT free for example or to list a separate price for customers in your loyalty program. Grow your audience by selling VAT free or by setting up a loyalty program and boost your sales with Multiple Pricing. Multi Pricing is developed by Digital Takeout, a dedicated team of professionals working to help transform how modern businesses are built and run by giving them the tools they need.
Translate my store - multi language & multi currency...
Increase sales by accepting offers or bids on your products!...
For anyone who needs to hide price & request a quote...
Location-Based Auto Currency Switcher & Work With Markets...