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A2Z Migrations

Free plan available

Migrating Store Resources Across Platforms

One-click migration
Configure source store
Select entities
Effortless data transfer
Move data securely
Simple steps process

About A2Z Migrations

Launched May 26, 2020


Built by Webkul Software Pvt Ltd

Email :

[email protected]


H-28, Sector 63, Noida, UP, 201301, IN

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Transfer store data from WooCommerce, Big-Commerce to your shop in one go. Hassle-free migration.

Via the app, you can migrate data from your existing Woocommerce, Big Commerce store to Shopify store in one go. All you need to do is just configure your source store, select the entities that you are willing to migrate, and move the data to the target Shopify store effortlessly in just one click. Why Choose A2Z Migrations App? Without using an app, it would be strenuous to transfer all the data at a time. It may take lots of time & effort as you need to prepare a CSV file to transfer products

Via the app, you can migrate data from your existing Woocommerce, Big Commerce store to Shopify store in one go. All you need to do is just configure your source store, select the entities that you are willing to migrate, and move the data to the target Shopify store effortlessly in just one click. Why Choose A2Z Migrations App? Without using an app, it would be strenuous to transfer all the data at a time. It may take lots of time & effort as you need to prepare a CSV file to transfer products more
  • Move data in 3 simple steps: Add source details>Select entities>Start migration.
  • You can select entities that you want to migrate by evaluating the pricing.
  • Get Woocommerce, Big Commerce products, orders & customers details into app.
  • Transfer the data securely to your existing Shopify store.
  • Simple & Secure Data Transfer.


  • Effortless migration of data from Woocommerce and Big Commerce to Shopify
  • Simple 3-step process: Add source details, select entities, start migration
  • Ability to select specific entities for migration based on pricing evaluation
  • Secure transfer of data to Shopify store
  • Eliminates the need for manual CSV file preparation, saving time and effort


  • Limited to migrating from Woocommerce and Big Commerce only
  • Potential for issues if complexities arise during the migration process that the app can't handle
  • Relies heavily on the security of the app for data integrity during the migration process
  • May encounter compatibility issues with custom features or plugins in the source store

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