Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Apps

Trusted site, payment icons, secure checkout, AI special offer

300+ trust badges
Ai-powered offers
Detailed styling options
Customizable designs
Secure checkout enhancement
Diverse payment icons

Social proof & live traffic store visitors counter

Customizable display
Live traffic counter
Boosts buyer confidence

Add Question Answer on Product page as well as custom page

Efficient q&a management
Empower customers
Build trust
Elevate satisfaction
Industry authority

Add unlimited social media icons to your store instantly.

Mobile optimised
No coding
Floating icon bar
Fully customisable
Add 50+ icons

Collects products reviews & imports reviews for social proof.

Collect reviews
Import reviews
Seo support
Showcase reviews
Manage reviews
Email scheduling

Create visitor counter:Scarcity for urgency on product page

Live visitor tracking
Showcase visitor interest
Active shopper count
Real-time purchase encouragement
View counter thresholds

Manage Your Store Credibility and Trust with AppAspect Reviews

Theme integration
Manage reviews
List or grid view
Create testimonials
Display feedback
Star rating