Social Share Cart logo

Social Share Cart

Develop by DevCloud LLC


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 15 Days Free Trial

    Allow your customers to share what they are buying!

    Share products
    Social networks
    Link sharing
    Email sharing
    Boost visits
    Encourage sharing
    2 Reviews

    About Social Share Cart

    Launched Jan 24, 2017


    Built by DevCloud LLC

    Email :

    [email protected]


    2035 Sunset Lake Road, Suite B-2, Newark, DE, 19702, US

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Share products in social networks!

    Use the social networks power on your store Allow your customers to share your products on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Linkedin, by email or simply sharing the product link with their friends!. With Social Share Cart your store automatically becomes social. Spread the word about your products Sharing in social networks will lead to more people to visit and buy at your store. Encourage your customers to share with their friends at the moment they are buying.

    Use the social networks power on your store Allow your customers to share your products on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Linkedin, by email or simply sharing the product link with their friends!. With Social Share Cart your store automatically becomes social. Spread the word about your products Sharing in social networks will lead to more people to visit and buy at your store. Encourage your customers to share with their friends at the moment they are buying. more
    • Use the social networks power on your store
    • Allow your customers to share your products on social networks
    • Encourage your customers to share with their friends at the moment they buy


    • Enhances social network presence for the store
    • Easy sharing of products on multiple social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Whatsapp, and Linkedin
    • Potential to increase store traffic and sales through social sharing
    • Encourages customers to share immediately after purchase, maximizing potential reach
    • Supports sharing via email and direct product link dissemination


    • Dependent on customers' willingness to share their purchases
    • Potential for clutter if too many sharing options are displayed
    • Limited control over the shared content once it is posted by customers
    • Possible privacy concerns for customers hesitant to share their activity
    • Effectiveness may vary based on the existing social media presence and engagement of the store

    Rating And Reviews


    Feb 03, 2017  on Shopify

    Nice and very useful application! Works great on our store Twelveoclock.bg

    Bagbag Bg

    Feb 02, 2017  on Shopify

    Great app and GREAT SUPPORT!! There was a problem with the visualization in Cyrillic and the team paid enough attention to fixed it ASAP (despite the approach of some other app developers).

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