Simple Inventory Alerts logo

Simple Inventory Alerts

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Multi-Channel inventory alerts for shop owners

    Stock notifications
    Multiple channels
    Individual thresholds

    About Simple Inventory Alerts

    Launched Apr 20, 2022


    Built by Gravity Technologies AG

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Chamerstrasse 172, Zug, 6300, CH

    Website Privacy policy


    Get notifications when a product is out of stock in your inventory with individual thresholds.

    Simple Inventory Alerts notifies you (the shop owner) as soon as one of your products is out if stock. You can configure an individual threshold per product and also per product variant. Get notifications via Email, Telegram, Slack, Discord and Pushover. You can ignore overbuyable products and also set a maximum notification amount to limit the notifications you receive per product.

    Simple Inventory Alerts notifies you (the shop owner) as soon as one of your products is out if stock. You can configure an individual threshold per product and also per product variant. Get notifications via Email, Telegram, Slack, Discord and Pushover. You can ignore overbuyable products and also set a maximum notification amount to limit the notifications you receive per product. more
    • Get notified if a product is out of stock
    • Individual threshold to get notified per product and per variant
    • Receive notifications via Email, Telegram, Slack, Discord and Pushover

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