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Ship+ Checkout Delivery Dates


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7 Days Free Trial

Display exact delivery dates for shipping options at checkout

Display delivery dates
Customize delivery dates
Set shipping rates
Custom holidays support
Live carrier connection
5 Reviews

About Ship+ Checkout Delivery Dates

Launched Nov 08, 2023


Built by Smith Street Lab LLC


Display delivery dates for your shipping options at checkout. Delivery dates can increase conversion

Ship+ improves the checkout process by allowing you to display & customize an exact delivery date for your shipping options directly within the checkout experience. The app directly solves a prevalent problem in online shopping—ambiguity surrounding delivery times. Customers often abandon carts or express dissatisfaction due to unclear shipping estimates. Ship+ streamlines this process, making it easier for merchants to set accurate expectations and for customers to make informed decisions.

Ship+ improves the checkout process by allowing you to display & customize an exact delivery date for your shipping options directly within the checkout experience. The app directly solves a prevalent problem in online shopping—ambiguity surrounding delivery times. Customers often abandon carts or express dissatisfaction due to unclear shipping estimates. Ship+ streamlines this process, making it easier for merchants to set accurate expectations and for customers to make informed decisions. more
  • Display exact delivery dates right next to or below the shipping option name
  • Add buffers to delivery dates to customize the delivery dates as needed
  • Set shipping rates based on a percentage of actual shipping cost or a flat rate
  • Set custom holidays and processing time cut-offs based on your fulfillment
  • Connect directly to carriers to get live, accurate pricing with delivery dates

Introduction Video


  • Displays exact delivery dates for shipping options at checkout, reducing ambiguity
  • Customizable delivery dates allow merchants to set accurate expectations for customers
  • Potential to reduce cart abandonment by providing clear shipping estimates
  • Allows addition of buffers to customize dates, offering flexibility based on merchant requirements
  • Enables setting of shipping rates as a percentage of actual shipping cost or a flat rate
  • Ability to set custom holidays and processing time cut-offs for better alignment with fulfillment processes
  • Connects directly to carriers for live, accurate pricing and delivery dates


  • Implementation may require additional setup and configuration effort from merchants
  • Potential reliance on accurate data from carriers, which may occasionally lead to discrepancies
  • Customizing shipping rates and buffers might be complex for merchants without experience in logistics
  • Integration with other e-commerce systems and platforms may vary in effectiveness

Rating And Reviews

Prism Fashion

Apr 04, 2024  on Shopify

Ship+ is a Shopify app that integrates with our UPS and FedEx APls to display exact delivery dates. The app offers easy setup, detailed admin panel logs, and affordable pricing, making it a valuable tool for optimizing our shipping process and enhancing customer satisfaction. We are using it on 3 of our stores already.

Retina Online

Apr 03, 2024  on Shopify

Clear delivery options reduce abandoned carts and increase satisfaction. Since integrating Ship+, our conversions have soared, making it an essential tool for any online merchant.

Harbour Shop

Apr 01, 2024  on Shopify

Managing our Fadex process has never been easier thanks to Ship+. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the process and boosts efficiency. The customizable delivery options have been a hit with our customers, reducing inquiries and improving satisfaction.

Virginia Service Supply

Mar 25, 2024  on Shopify

Simplest shipping app that provides delivery dates based on actual carrier estimates. Only supports UPS and FedEx quotes. Allows you to change the name of the shipping method, for instance "UPS Ground" can be shown to the customer as "Economy"


Mar 25, 2024  on Shopify

We use this app on two Shopify stores in different verticals. It's ostensibly a delivery date app, but it's also the best custom shipping method app we've found. It only supports UPS and FedEx. We'd like to see USPS support (displaying a delivery date range), and the ability to add pricing by weight not just order total. But if you use UPS and FedEx, this is the simplest custom shipping method app on Shopify and it works well.

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