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Show your customers their savings with a message like Amazon Show more
Apply discount codes or gift cards in cart, before checkout Show more
Showcase discounts, drive sales effortlessly. Show more
Convert more leads by building stronger customer relationships Show more
Show your customers their savings with a message like Amazon Show more
Show savings directly on the product images Show more
Automate cart discounts for members, ensuring personalized savings effortlessly. Show more
Compare variant prices easily and see potential savings instantly. Show more
Give automatic volume discounts based on quantity or subtotal Show more
Big Savings on UPS, Purolator, DHL, Canpar/Loomis, GO Logistic Show more
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Save shipping costs for your eCommerce store with VIPparcel
Fast product selection, quick delivery, cost savings
Trusted Carriers. Huge Savings Show more
Effortless shipping: pallets and parcels with mobile barcode and savings. Show more
Create Your Perfect Bundle: Personalize and Save! Show more
Simplify shipping, inventory, and marketing with seamless order sync and savings.
Collaborative shopping app for shared carts and group delivery savings. Show more