Rulo ‑ Low Stock Alerts logo

Rulo ‑ Low Stock Alerts

Develop by Tsebius OÜ


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 30 Days Free Trial

    Get email alerts when you’re running out of stock

    Email restock alerts
    Set notification preferences
    View low stock items

    About Rulo ‑ Low Stock Alerts

    Launched Feb 09, 2024


    Built by Tsebius OÜ


    Email alerts for merchants when products are running out.

    Set up when & where do you want to receive notifications ensuring you never miss a critical restock moment. Easily view which items are running low directly from the dashboard.

    Set up when & where do you want to receive notifications ensuring you never miss a critical restock moment. Easily view which items are running low directly from the dashboard. more
    • Get instant restock alerts to your email
    • Set product count threshold for alerts
    • Dashboard to keep track of items running low in stock


    • Get instant restock alerts to your email
    • Set product count threshold for alerts
    • Dashboard to keep track of items running low in stock
    • Customizable notification settings for when and where to receive alerts
    • Helps ensure you never miss a critical restock moment


    • Limited information on integration with other inventory management tools
    • Short description and general lack of user experience details in the app store listing
    • Potential redundancy with existing inventory management features provided by e-commerce platforms

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