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Customer reviews: CedCommerce Kaufland Channel

Develop by CedCommerce

Reviews (40)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally have a positive view of the "CedCommerce Kaufland Channel" app. The app's primary strength is its seamless integration between Shopify and Kaufland, which many users find significantly beneficial for expanding their marketplace presence. While initial setup has been tricky for some, the strong support system helps users overcome these hurdles effectively.

Key Strengths

  • Excellent support team that is responsive and helpful, often resolving issues promptly, even through WhatsApp.
  • Efficient integration between Shopify and Kaufland, allowing for smooth product and order transfers.
  • Flexibility in handling custom requests to optimize the app for specific business needs.
  • Facilitates the expansion into the Kaufland marketplace quickly and easily.

Common Concerns

  • Initial setup can be complicated and may require additional assistance.
  • Some technical glitches, such as mismatched address fields and photo transfer issues, have been reported.
  • Ongoing developments needed to bring the app to full functionality.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the "CedCommerce Kaufland Channel" app is well-received among merchants for its ability to link Shopify stores with Kaufland effectively. While there are some technical challenges during the initial setup, these are often mitigated by a responsive support team. As the app continues to evolve, it remains a recommended choice for businesses looking to streamline their e-commerce operations between these platforms.


Apr 27, 2023  on Shopify

We have integrated this app on our store, and while it did not immediatly work (due to missing parameters on our end!) the support was very fast and helpful to guide us through the process of integrating it to the shop. With this help and the app we found ourselves quite quickly being able to open a new marketplace (Kaufland) for us. 10/10 can recommend!


Apr 07, 2023  on Shopify

App works as you would expect. Support made some custom changed to my account which made the app even better for my use. Responsive support!

Goldenes Kleeblatt Naturprodukte

Dec 22, 2022  on Shopify

Super Service Meine Fragen wurden zugig beantwortet und es konnte immer weiter gehen. Kann ich weiterempfehlen man fuchst sich auch relativ schnell in die App rein

Blau Bärchen

Jun 22, 2022  on Shopify

I am new to e-commerce and with their help I managed to transfer the information about my shop's products to the kaufland shop. Although there were some problems during the transfer process, it was only a matter of time before it was all sorted out. I believe that with their help my kaufland shop will get better.


May 11, 2022  on Shopify

App works great and automatically for us to receive and send orders from Kaufland to Shopify and back. If there were any bugs or hickups the service team was very helpful and responsive via the whatsapp chat support. I can recommend this if you are using Kaufland.de to sell a larger catalogue.

PanzerGlass Deutschland

Apr 05, 2022  on Shopify

I installed it on our shopify and the support from the team is really good. I really appreciate when you can get quick support with startup isses you might have.


Mar 19, 2022  on Shopify

The app support is very dedicated and quickly solved all the problems we encountered with our Kaufland integration. This helped us a lot to get the app up and running quickly. Highly recommended app for anyone who wants to use Shopify's content, inventory and order processing for Kaufland.


Mar 13, 2022  on Shopify

Great app & very helpful team behind it! Easily connects our Shopify store directly with Kaufland in a few simple steps, would highly recommend!


Mar 03, 2022  on Shopify

Ich benutze die App jetzt seit einem Monat. Nachdem ich ein Problem mit meiner Rechnungsstellung hatte, hat man sich super um mich gekümmert. Jetzt ist alles okay und läuft einwandfrei. Super Service, der zu jeder Tageszeit sehr zeitnah antwortet und auf jede Frage eingeht. Ich kann die App nur weiterempfehlen!


Feb 22, 2022  on Shopify

Wir nutzen diese App nun seit 3 Monaten, zu Anfang gab es Startschwierigkeiten, jede Bestellung musste manuell nachgearbeitet werden, da Straße mit Hausnummer vertauscht waren, aber nachdem 2 unserer Verbesserungsvorschläge bzgl. der Adressfelder und einer automatisierten Auftragsabholung erfolgreich von den Entwicklern umgesetzt wurden kann das System nun Produktiv eingesetzt werden. Der Support kommuniziert sehr gut. Vielen dank. App ist zu empfehlen.

KB Socken

Feb 18, 2022  on Shopify

Hallo, am Anfang ist die App etwas kompliziert. Jedoch haben wir direkt einen freundlichen sowie schnellen Support per Whatsapp erhalten. Mittlerweile haben wir die Übertragung erfolgreich überstanden und verstanden. :)


Feb 18, 2022  on Shopify

Still some work to be done to get this app to 100%, however thanks to the supportive team behind the app who have helped me optimise the app to connect my Kaufland & Shopify accounts all the product listings & orders are now flowing perfectly. I can't thank them enough for all their assistance and recommend the app!


Feb 17, 2022  on Shopify

App ist etwas kompliziert, die Funktionen sind aber gut. Der support ist super und schnell. Fotos kommen leider nicht alle wie im shop rüber können aber bei Kaufland nachgearbeitet werden. In summe gut. Besser als Kaufland manuell zu pflegen.

19 Circle Spirits

Dec 13, 2021  on Shopify

Aktuell am Einrichten der App, stieß ich auf einige Probleme. Über WhatsApp an den support gewandt und es wurde recht schnell an einer Lösung gearbeitet, die letztendlich funktioniert. Holpriger Start mit gutem Ende.

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