RapidCart logo


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Speedup the Checkout Process and Avoid Abandoned carts!

Sticky add to cart bar
Quick buy button
Sticky checkout bar
Sticky cart
Cart slider

About RapidCart

Launched Mar 20, 2024


Built by Techno Softwares

Email :

[email protected]


Jaipur, RJ, IN

Website Privacy policy


Supercharge your Sales with Quick Buy buttons, sticky carts, and a seamless checkout experience!

Enhance functionality and boosts sales by adding essential sales features. Reduces the steps required for customers to make a purchase, leading to faster transactions and increased conversion rates. Streamlining the purchasing process and increasing conversion rates. Adds sticky add to cart and checkout bars, enhancing user experience & reducing cart abandonment. Cart drawer allows customers to view and edit their cart effortlessly, leading to quicker checkouts. Simplifies the checkout process.

Enhance functionality and boosts sales by adding essential sales features. Reduces the steps required for customers to make a purchase, leading to faster transactions and increased conversion rates. Streamlining the purchasing process and increasing conversion rates. Adds sticky add to cart and checkout bars, enhancing user experience & reducing cart abandonment. Cart drawer allows customers to view and edit their cart effortlessly, leading to quicker checkouts. Simplifies the checkout process. more
  • Sticky Add to Cart Bar: A floating bar on product page to quickly add to cart
  • Sticky Cart: Cart remains visible for shopper to view & edit items in cart
  • Quick Buy Button: Floating Buy Now button on Product Image in Catalog Page.
  • Sticky Checkout Bar: Floating Bar for faster checkout & reduce abandoned cart
  • Cart Slider:Drawer that shows all cart items with variations with Quick Checkout

Introduction Video


  • Speeds up the checkout process by reducing the steps required for purchases
  • Enhances functionality with essential sales features for increased conversion rates
  • Sticky Add to Cart Bar allows quick adding of items to the cart
  • Sticky Cart ensures the cart is always visible for easy viewing and editing
  • Quick Buy Button on product images facilitates faster purchases
  • Sticky Checkout Bar accelerates the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment
  • Cart Slider provides a drawer to view and edit cart items easily, leading to quicker checkouts
  • Overall improved user experience and reduced cart abandonment rates


  • Potential for clutter with multiple floating bars and buttons on the page
  • May require user adaptation to new checkout elements, potentially causing initial confusion
  • Dependent on integration quality with existing e-commerce platforms; potential bugs if not well integrated
  • Users may find constant visibility of cart elements distracting

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