Product XML Import by ProXI logo

Product XML Import by ProXI

Develop by Ondokuzon


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Easy XML product imports for your store.

    Real-time updates
    Inventory management
    Multiple variant images
    Store sync
    Product preview
    Xml link parsing
    Bulk product import
    Xml feed
    Import tracking

    About Product XML Import by ProXI

    Launched Apr 10, 2024


    Built by Ondokuzon

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Kızılay, Ankara, 06340, TR

    Website Privacy policy


    Easily import products to merchant from XML. Saves time, keeps inventory fresh and updated.

    Our app stands out by dynamically parsing XML links, offering a preview of products before import. Merchants can see real-time updates of which products are imported and which are in process. Before making a payment, you can share your XML link with our team. Product XML Import by ProXI streamlines your product management with features like bulk product import, xml feed, store sync, xml importer and more. Transform your product import process with our efficient, and user-friendly solution.

    Our app stands out by dynamically parsing XML links, offering a preview of products before import. Merchants can see real-time updates of which products are imported and which are in process. Before making a payment, you can share your XML link with our team. Product XML Import by ProXI streamlines your product management with features like bulk product import, xml feed, store sync, xml importer and more. Transform your product import process with our efficient, and user-friendly solution. more
    • Sync stock and price with rules for seamless inventory management using XML feed
    • Real-time import tracking with multiple variant images and xml import options
    • Preview products before bulk product import process for saving time and success
    • Strong support team ensures seamless bulk product import and sync stock via xml
    • For Dropshipping Business: Real-time xml import, sync stock/inventory and more


    • Dynamically parses XML links, making it adaptable to various data feeds
    • Offers a preview of products before import, helping avoid errors
    • Real-time updates on the import process, improving transparency
    • Provides the ability to share XML links with the support team before payment for validation
    • Supports bulk product import, saving time when dealing with large product catalogs
    • Includes features like XML feed, store sync, and options for importing multiple variant images
    • Allows for seamless inventory management by syncing stock and price with set rules
    • Strong customer support team to assist with bulk product imports and sync processes
    • Real-time import and inventory sync, particularly beneficial for dropshipping businesses


    • Dependency on XML format might limit compatibility with other data formats
    • Real-time tracking and multiple features may make the app more complex for novice users
    • Preview and validation steps, while useful, may add additional time to the import process
    • Real-time sync processes might lead to potential delays or performance issues for larger catalogs
    • Sharing XML links with the team before payment might be a security concern for some merchants

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