Imagenie: AI product images logo

Imagenie: AI product images

Develop by dotrpm
Free App

AI image generator for products.

Custom product images
Ai-based generation
Multi-product images
Regenerate images
Save to products

About Imagenie: AI product images

Launched Apr 23, 2023


Built by dotrpm

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Imagenie helps to generate images for products using artificial intelligence.

Imagenie generates custom images for the products. This app uses 'Open AI' to generate images for each product based on its title. Users can regenerate the image until they find the right one and save images to the products. Best AI image generator in the Shopify apps store. Product images can be created with AI effortlessly. Image creator feature helps merchant to craft images without any other efforts.

Imagenie generates custom images for the products. This app uses 'Open AI' to generate images for each product based on its title. Users can regenerate the image until they find the right one and save images to the products. Best AI image generator in the Shopify apps store. Product images can be created with AI effortlessly. Image creator feature helps merchant to craft images without any other efforts. more
  • Generate images for multiple products at a time.
  • Regenerate images until you find the perfect one.
  • Save the generated images to products.


  • Custom images generation for products
  • Uses 'Open AI' to generate accurate images based on product titles
  • Ability to regenerate images until the desired result is achieved
  • Best AI image generator in the Shopify apps store
  • Effortless image creation for product listings
  • Feature to generate images for multiple products at a time
  • Saves generated images directly to products


  • Quality and relevance of generated images can vary
  • Dependence on the accuracy of AI interpretations of product titles
  • Potential need for multiple regenerations to find a suitable image
  • Limited by the current capabilities of 'Open AI' image generation

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