pixx.io logo


Develop by pixx.io
Free App

Easily place product images and assets in your store

Bulk asset selection
Asset assignment
Advanced search capabilities

About pixx.io

Launched Aug 02, 2022


Built by pixx.io

Email :

[email protected]


Richard-Wagner-Str. 14c, Mühldorf, 84453, DE

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# Use your pixx.io assets to build beautiful shops Connect Shopify with your pixx.io mediaspace to create compelling e-commerce experiences using your assets. By accessing pixx.io you make sure to only use images, videos and assets compliant to your brand. Here’s what you can do with the app: * Select up to 30 assets at once. * Assign them to your shop's products and collections. * Use the searchbar to find files by name, description, subject, keywords, file creator, location or...

# Use your pixx.io assets to build beautiful shops Connect Shopify with your pixx.io mediaspace to create compelling e-commerce experiences using your assets. By accessing pixx.io you make sure to only use images, videos and assets compliant to your brand. Here’s what you can do with the app: * Select up to 30 assets at once. * Assign them to your shop's products and collections. * Use the searchbar to find files by name, description, subject, keywords, file creator, location or... more

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