Bulk import import thousands of product photos to your store.
Address750 Lexington Avenue, Floor 9, New York, NY, 10021, US
Website Privacy policy FAQManually uploading product photos is tedious and time consuming. Photo Finish automates the process. Use this app to match photos to their corresponding products & add them to your online store with just a few clicks of your mouse. So, you need to upload 1,000 products? On average, each product has three corresponding photos. Without Photo Finish, you’re looking at around 25 hours of active work (1.5 minutes x 1,000 products / 60 minutes in an hour). With Photo Finish, you’re done in minutes.
340+ Powerful workflow automations & full development...
All-in-one for email automation, fulfillment and auto tagging...
Export Orders, Products, Customers to FTP/Dropbox/Email/Google...
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