Orichi Facebook Button logo

Orichi Facebook Button

Develop by ORICHI
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Add Facebook icons to store easily with just 2 steps

    Social media buttons
    Direct fanpage connection
    Increased engagement
    Customizable button style
    Adjustable button position
    Easy link attachment

    About Orichi Facebook Button

    Launched May 28, 2024


    Built by ORICHI

    Email :

    [email protected]


    118 minh khai, 118 minh khai, Ha Noi, 100000, VN

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document


    Enhance user experience with the Facebook button that directly connects to the store's Fanpage. This powerful tool allows you to effortlessly integrate visually appealing and convenient social media buttons into your store design, ensuring a seamless connection between your website and social media platform. Drive social interaction with just one click of the mouse, driving increased engagement across social channels.

    Enhance user experience with the Facebook button that directly connects to the store's Fanpage. This powerful tool allows you to effortlessly integrate visually appealing and convenient social media buttons into your store design, ensuring a seamless connection between your website and social media platform. Drive social interaction with just one click of the mouse, driving increased engagement across social channels. more
    • Customize the button style with multiple eye-catching options.
    • Customize the position of the button on the store to fit seamlessly with design
    • Easily attach the link to the Facebook fan page.


    • Enhances user experience by providing easy access to the store’s Facebook Fanpage
    • Effortless integration of social media buttons into store design
    • Visually appealing and customizable button styles
    • Simple two-step setup process
    • Drives increased social interaction and engagement
    • Customizable button position to fit seamlessly with the store design
    • Easily attachable link to the Facebook fan page


    • Limited functionality beyond adding Facebook buttons
    • Potentially redundant for stores already leveraging other social media integration tools
    • Customization options might not meet all design preferences or requirements
    • Dependence on Facebook's platform, which may face changes or disruptions

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