Nova Poshta Service logo

Nova Poshta Service

Develop by Eltrino


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30 Days Free Trial

Nova Poshta Shipping Cost Calculation

Calculate shipping costs
Select nearest warehouse
View warehouse list
Display without ccs
Configure flat rate
Generate consignment note
Set packaging parameters
4 Reviews

About Nova Poshta Service

Launched Jul 20, 2020



Calculate Nova Poshta shipping costs, and allow customers to select the nearest Nova Posta Warehouse

With this app, you can link your store to your Nova Poshta account. The application will automatically calculate shipping costs based on the parameters you have set up and show customers the closest Nova Poshta warehouses on the checkout page or the entire list of warehouses on the Thank You page. Please ensure that Third-Party Calculated Shipping Rates (CCS) are enabled to calculate shipping costs. Also, note that the application can now display the NovaPoshta warehouses list without CCS.

With this app, you can link your store to your Nova Poshta account. The application will automatically calculate shipping costs based on the parameters you have set up and show customers the closest Nova Poshta warehouses on the checkout page or the entire list of warehouses on the Thank You page. Please ensure that Third-Party Calculated Shipping Rates (CCS) are enabled to calculate shipping costs. Also, note that the application can now display the NovaPoshta warehouses list without CCS. more
  • Calculate shipping rate depending on product dimensions, delivery type, distance
  • Select the nearest Nova Poshta branch from the dropdown on the Thank you Page
  • Configure Shipping Flat Rate | Free Delivery for orders above fixed order price
  • Automatically generate consignment note (TTN) in the Orders tab
  • Set Packaging Parameters (fixed box dimensions or use product parameters)

Introduction Video


  • Automatic shipping cost calculation based on parameters set up
  • Displays nearest Nova Poshta warehouses on checkout or Thank You page
  • Supports Third-Party Calculated Shipping Rates (CCS) and can display warehouses without CCS
  • Calculates shipping rate based on product dimensions, delivery type, and distance
  • Select nearest Nova Poshta branch from the dropdown on the Thank You page
  • Configure shipping flat rate and free delivery for orders above a fixed price
  • Automatically generates consignment notes (TTN) in the Orders tab
  • Allows setting packaging parameters with fixed box dimensions or product parameters


  • Requires CCS to be enabled for some shipping cost calculations
  • Potential complexity in setting up parameters for accurate cost calculations
  • Limited to integrating with Nova Poshta services only
  • Depends on the accuracy of Nova Poshta's database for nearest warehouse display

Rating And Reviews


Sep 21, 2023  on Shopify

Економія часу на відправці замовлень. Цікавий моніторінг за етапами доставки за принципом канбан. Статус Paid при отриманні дуже корисний.


Aug 18, 2023  on Shopify

Приложение работает отлично. После установки и интеграции приложения мы разгрузили своих сотрудников от мануального заполнения заявок на отправку и дали клиентам прозрачный интерфейс просчёта стоимости посылок. Отдельное спасибо Елене Кульбич за саппорт в интеграции и обучении проведённом для всех членов компании. Любые кастомные запросы мы обсуждаем и половина из них уже реализованы. Могу только рекомендовать данное приложение.

Varingr Shop

Jul 24, 2023  on Shopify

Додаток працює, але він дуже не зручний для покупців, бо обрати відділення можна тільки на сторінці "дякую за замовлення". 90% замовлень доводиться вручну вписувати данні для доставки.

Myzo Chocolate

Dec 10, 2021  on Shopify

The app seems to work fine so far (we had it for only 1 week). For some reason, I wasn't able to set it up perfectly out-of-the-box, but the customer service responded quickly and was very helpful in making everything work. For this reason, I bumped the rating from 3 to 4-stars. I will see how the app works going forward and will update my rating. Things that need improvement - automatic generation of a tracking number and a shipping slip. I would like to be able to print out the shipping slip straight from Shopify at my physical location.

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