Ware2Go's NetworkVu logo

Ware2Go's NetworkVu

Develop by Ware2Go
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Build Smarter & faster fulfillment. A free digital analysis

    Intuitive integration
    State diagnostics

    About Ware2Go's NetworkVu

    Launched Apr 21, 2021


    Built by Ware2Go

    Email :

    [email protected]


    3535 Piedmont Rd NE Building 14, Suite 1500, Atlanta, GA, 30305, US

    Website Privacy policy


    #What is NetworkVu: Ware2Go’s NetworkVu makes building a right-sized fulfillment network possible for businesses of all sizes. Using your client order history, seasonal demand patterns and business growth projections, we can recommend best fit options for fulfillment distribution that strikes a balance between your customer needs and your operational workflows. #Features: 1. Intuitive Integration: Connect and pull data directly from your Shopify shopping cart. 2. Current State Diagnostics:...

    #What is NetworkVu: Ware2Go’s NetworkVu makes building a right-sized fulfillment network possible for businesses of all sizes. Using your client order history, seasonal demand patterns and business growth projections, we can recommend best fit options for fulfillment distribution that strikes a balance between your customer needs and your operational workflows. #Features: 1. Intuitive Integration: Connect and pull data directly from your Shopify shopping cart. 2. Current State Diagnostics:... more

    Introduction Video


    • Intuitive Integration: The app connects directly to Shopify, making it easy to pull data from the shopping cart
    • Right-sized fulfillment: Helps businesses of all sizes create an optimal fulfillment network based on order history, demand patterns, and growth projections
    • User-friendly Interface: The interface is easy to use, and the app provides clear recommendations for fulfillment distribution
    • Free digital analysis: The app is available at no cost, making it accessible for smaller businesses and startups
    • Operational balance: Aims to strike a balance between customer needs and operational workflows, potentially increasing efficiency


    • Incomplete Feature List: The provided app description cuts off, making it difficult to get a full understanding of its capabilities
    • Possible Limitation to Shopify: The app's integration is highlighted with Shopify, which may not be useful for businesses using other e-commerce platforms
    • Reliance on Historical Data: Recommendations are based on historical order history and seasonal patterns, which could limit the app’s effectiveness in unpredictable market conditions or sudden growth spurts

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