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Mixtable Exporter

Develop by Daipari EOOD


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 7 Days Free Trial

    Online spreadsheet with one-click Excel and CSV export

    Export to csv
    Automatic data sync
    Excel-like interface
    Export entire workbook

    About Mixtable Exporter

    Launched Jul 25, 2023


    Built by Daipari EOOD

    Email :

    [email protected]


    р-н Слатина, ж.к. Христо Смирненски, вх. А, ап. 21, София, 1579, BG

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Always-updated online spreadsheet for one-click export to Excel (XLSX) and CSV

    Mixtable is an online spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to sync data with Shopify. It looks, feels, and behaves like Excel (including formulas), but runs in your browser. Set up a workbook with the store data you want to display/export, and we'll keep the data up-to-date as changes are made in Shopify. Then just click a button to export the entire workbook as an Excel file, with all tabs and formatting. You can also export each individual sheet to a CSV file.

    Mixtable is an online spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to sync data with Shopify. It looks, feels, and behaves like Excel (including formulas), but runs in your browser. Set up a workbook with the store data you want to display/export, and we'll keep the data up-to-date as changes are made in Shopify. Then just click a button to export the entire workbook as an Excel file, with all tabs and formatting. You can also export each individual sheet to a CSV file. more
    • Load workbook with products, variants, images, metafields, inventory, and more!
    • Incredible Excel file export - including all tabs, formatting, and formulas
    • One click export of any worksheet to a CSV file

    Introduction Video

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