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Customer reviews: MetaTrack ‑ PayPal Track Sync

Reviews (16)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants highly appreciate "MetaTrack ‑ PayPal Track Sync" for its efficiency in synchronizing tracking information from Shopify to PayPal. Users commend its ease of use, automation capabilities, and time-saving benefits, which are especially valuable for rapidly scaling businesses. Although a few merchants encountered initial syncing delays, overall satisfaction remains high.

Key Strengths

  • Ease of use and user-friendliness.
  • Automation of tracking information updates to PayPal.
  • Generous free credit offering (300 credits per month).
  • Cost-effective pricing compared to competitors.
  • Prompt developer support and response.
  • Significant time-saving capabilities.
  • Smooth setup and installation process.

Common Concerns

  • Initial syncing delay when first connecting the app to PayPal.
  • Difficulties in adding tracking numbers to older orders (past 60 days).

Final Thoughts

"MetaTrack ‑ PayPal Track Sync" is well-received by merchants who desire seamless automation of their order tracking needs, directly integrating Shopify with PayPal. While minor delays in initial synchronization have been noted, the app's strengths in usability, cost-effectiveness, and supportive features make it a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses looking to enhance their operational efficiency.

Arms of Andes

Nov 28, 2023  on Shopify

The app isn't adding tracking numbers to orders from 60 days ago. I contacted the app but haven't received a response. It did add tracking numbers to new orders though.


Jan 24, 2023  on Shopify

Works great! Pricing is super simple too, especially compared to others. We've had this app installed since for about 6 months now and haven't had a single problem with it. I've mostly forgotten about it it runs so well.


Jun 03, 2021  on Shopify

This app save me a lot of time for synchronizing shopify order trackings to PayPal. Life saver!!! Highly recommended!


Dec 31, 2020  on Shopify

Application très simple à utiliser et très efficace, ça automatise directement les inscriptions de suivi sur paypal je n'ai rien a faire d'autre merci au créateurs de l'application

L.M. Dorwart Grooming

Dec 02, 2020  on Shopify

When you first install the app & authorize the PayPal connection, it will take awhile for the app to sync so be patient and give it some time. But check back later and your historical orders (for the last 60 days) will be updated with the relevant tracking information. Also, the 300 free credits a month is generous so I have no complaints.


Nov 26, 2020  on Shopify

This app is helpful cus it synchronizing Shopify order trackings to PayPal very well. I enjoyed that this app is really easy to use.


Nov 12, 2020  on Shopify

This app is so easy to use. It helps a lot on the order tracking, making everything automatic. That is especially useful when I scale up my business quickly with my current manpower.


Nov 09, 2020  on Shopify

This App is super useful & user-friendly. It makes me easily to check the orders! It does save a lot of time! Highly recommended to every Shopify users.

SUVA Lapidary Supply

Sep 15, 2020  on Shopify

I was surprised recently to find out that shopify doesn’t send fulfilling tracking to PayPal, after several years in business. There were a couple apps to do the job, this app looked the most polished of the affordable options for the needed task. Confirmed 300 credits per month are free, with 1 shipping number synced costing 1 credit. This should cover what we need at the free tier, but should we go over the 9.99 per-overage fee is fair for the convenience at such a volume. Appreciate the prompt developer response to inquiries about how the credits system works, and the smooth installation for our needs to sync over tracking numbers.


Sep 07, 2020  on Shopify

This app makes my orders tracking uploads easy and convenient. I don't have to upload the orders manually. It saved me a lot of time and manpower.

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