MERP logo


Develop by MERP


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30 Days Free Trial

Streamline your business process and improve efficiency.

Marketplace integration
Automatic updates
Order processing
Accounting integration
Unified inventory
Product listings
Syncs sales transactions
Third-party freight
Real-time datafeed

About MERP

Launched Oct 18, 2023


Built by MERP


Manage products, orders, customers, invoices, and shipping from the different marketplaces

Our “MERP” is a Business Integration system that can streamline users’ business processes and improve efficiency. It syncs all sales transactions with one inventory from multiple marketplaces. Besides these functions, MERP integrates with third-party freight providers and accounting systems.

Our “MERP” is a Business Integration system that can streamline users’ business processes and improve efficiency. It syncs all sales transactions with one inventory from multiple marketplaces. Besides these functions, MERP integrates with third-party freight providers and accounting systems. more
  • All for One – One for All listing advantage, convenient, speedy and accurate
  • Cross marketplace products listing, inventory movement, product price in control
  • Streamline order processing, automatic download, updates, ship and track
  • Real time supplier datafeed, a winning advantage for reseller
  • Seller can sync data from 3rd party market places


  • Streamlines business processes and improves efficiency
  • Syncs all sales transactions with one inventory from multiple marketplaces
  • Integration with third-party freight providers
  • Integration with accounting systems
  • Convenient and speedy cross-marketplace product listing
  • Controls inventory movement and product pricing
  • Automated order processing, updates, shipping, and tracking
  • Real-time supplier data feed for resellers
  • Allows sellers to sync data with third-party marketplaces


  • Integration complexity with existing systems
  • Potential initial setup challenges and learning curve
  • Dependence on third-party services for full functionality
  • General user feedback not provided, so user experiences may vary

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