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Material Manager

Develop by Omatic


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7 Days Free Trial

Automatically sync product and raw material inventory

Intuitive ui
Product integration
Realtime sync
Multi location
Efficient search

About Material Manager

Launched Dec 14, 2023


Built by Omatic

Email :

[email protected]


35 Bales Ave., Toronto, ON, M2N 7L7, CA

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Automatically sync product and raw material inventory

Material Manager seamlessly synchronizes raw material and product inventory. As soon as a product using a raw material is sold all other products using that material have their inventory updated. Ideal for businesses that manufacture products bespoke or on-demand. Automate tracking, optimize production, and reduce stock issues. Simplify your workflow and stop overselling with Material Manager.

Material Manager seamlessly synchronizes raw material and product inventory. As soon as a product using a raw material is sold all other products using that material have their inventory updated. Ideal for businesses that manufacture products bespoke or on-demand. Automate tracking, optimize production, and reduce stock issues. Simplify your workflow and stop overselling with Material Manager. more
  • Realtime: product inventory syncs with changing raw material inventory
  • Multi location: track raw material inventory for each of your stores locations
  • Intuitive UI: seamlessly integrated with the Shopify admin interface
  • Product integration: add materials to products from the Shopify product page
  • Efficient: quickly search all of your raw materials in one place


  • Automatically syncs raw material and product inventory
  • Prevents overselling by updating all affected products in real-time
  • Ideal for businesses manufacturing bespoke or on-demand products
  • Automates tracking and optimizes production
  • Helps reduce stock issues
  • Simplifies workflow
  • Realtime updates with changing raw material inventory
  • Supports multi-location inventory tracking
  • Intuitive user interface integrated with the Shopify admin interface
  • Allows materials to be added to products directly from the Shopify product page
  • Efficient search functionality for raw materials


  • Relies on integration with Shopify, limiting use to businesses on that platform
  • May require initial setup and configuration to align with specific business workflows
  • No explicit mention of analytics or reporting features for inventory management
  • Potential complexity for businesses with highly diverse and variable products

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