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Magic Order Export


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90 Days Free Trial

Customizable format order exports with tracking information

Customizable exports
Include tracking info
Order filter options
Select info to include

About Magic Order Export

Launched Aug 05, 2021


Built by Smart Ecom Tech

Email :

[email protected]


7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

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Magic Order Export provides tracking information to the exported orders.

Magic Order Export provides tracking information to the exported orders, allowing you to track them all in one file. Our order filter feature makes it easy for you to choose which order you wish to include in the file. You can also select what information to include in the file, allowing you to include only the relevant information you need. Now you can read the exported orders effortlessly with Magic Order Export. # Magic Order Export Features: - Filter orders by date - Filter orders by status

Magic Order Export provides tracking information to the exported orders, allowing you to track them all in one file. Our order filter feature makes it easy for you to choose which order you wish to include in the file. You can also select what information to include in the file, allowing you to include only the relevant information you need. Now you can read the exported orders effortlessly with Magic Order Export. # Magic Order Export Features: - Filter orders by date - Filter orders by status more
  • Magic Order Export provides a tracking number to each order, unlike any other co
  • You can include all information about the order or you can select several releva
  • No need to install any extra code. Our app is very user-friendly and straightfor


  • Customizable format for order exports
  • Inclusion of tracking information in exported orders
  • Ability to filter orders by date
  • Ability to filter orders by status
  • Option to select only relevant information for inclusion in the export file
  • User-friendly and straightforward interface
  • No need for additional code installation
  • Effortless reading of exported orders


  • Limited information about advanced features
  • Repetitive description lacks detail on unique selling points
  • Unclear performance and speed under heavy data loads
  • Insufficient customer reviews for a comprehensive evaluation
  • Potential redundancy in stating features multiple times

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