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日本製MAツールの公式連携アプリでストアのアクセスログ/顧客データを「誰でも」「かんたん」に連携・自動化!MA施策まで Show more

HIRAMEKI XD is a powerful CRM/MA tool designed specifically for Japanese e-commerce platforms, enabling streamlined marketing and customer management. With easy integration with Shopify, it efficiently automates the import of customer data, product information, and purchase history, simplifying the setup process. The app supports no-code tag settings, allowing users to track member activities such as registrations and purchases seamlessly. HIRAMEKI XD enhances email and LINE campaign operations by leveraging comprehensive data for personalized strategies like birthday messages and sale notifications. The platform is enriched with advanced analytics capabilities, including action analysis and customer profiling, ensuring marketers have all essential tools for impactful decision-making. Empowering 1-to-1 marketing, it offers pre-set high-value segmentation triggers to easily implement and monitor retention strategies. Overall, HIRAMEKI XD equips businesses with a comprehensive suite of functions necessary for effective daily marketing activities.
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日本製MAツールの公式連携アプリでストアのアクセスログ/顧客データを「誰でも」「かんたん」に連携・自動化!MA施策まで Show more

HIRAMEKI XD is a powerful CRM/MA tool designed specifically for Japanese e-commerce platforms, enabling streamlined marketing and customer management. With easy integration with Shopify, it efficiently automates the import of customer data, product information, and purchase history, simplifying the setup process. The app supports no-code tag settings, allowing users to track member activities such as registrations and purchases seamlessly. HIRAMEKI XD enhances email and LINE campaign operations by leveraging comprehensive data for personalized strategies like birthday messages and sale notifications. The platform is enriched with advanced analytics capabilities, including action analysis and customer profiling, ensuring marketers have all essential tools for impactful decision-making. Empowering 1-to-1 marketing, it offers pre-set high-value segmentation triggers to easily implement and monitor retention strategies. Overall, HIRAMEKI XD equips businesses with a comprehensive suite of functions necessary for effective daily marketing activities.
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基幹システム、MAツール、POSシステム等とのデータ連携を行うことができます。受注・商品・会員・在庫データの連携が可能です。 Show more

ECコネクターは、Shopifyで管理される「受注データ」「商品データ」「会員データ」「在庫データ」を基幹システム(EPS)やMAツール、POSシステムなどに変換・連携するための強力なツールです。さらに、基幹システムからShopifyへの商品登録や更新、FAX注文データの新規登録も簡単に実現できます。ユーザーが利用しているシステムや業務フローに合わせた最適な連携プランを提案します。また、スマレジやCLOVA OCR、弥生販売など、さまざまな標準連携サービスに対応しており、必要な業務がシームレスに行えます。お客様の特定の要件に応じたカスタム連携ソリューションも提供可能なので、詳細な連携要件はECコネクターサポートへお問い合わせください。新しい連携サービスも続々と追加されていますので、現在掲載されていないサービスについてもお気軽にご相談いただけます。
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Shopify integration
Inventory sync
Pos system integration
Order sync
Data integration
Member data sync
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