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Prepayify Personalised Orders

Develop by Shopify
Free App

Disable COD for personalised orders

Disable cod
Personalised orders
Payment control
The app is no longer available

About Prepayify Personalised Orders


Built by Shopify

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,885 Reviews)
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...



  • Allows merchants to disable Cash on Delivery (COD) for personalized orders, offering greater control over payment methods
  • Helps in reducing the risk of chargebacks and non-payment associated with COD
  • Can potentially improve cash flow by ensuring upfront payment for customizable products
  • Simplifies the payment process by aligning with digital payment preferences


  • May limit customer options by removing COD, which can be a preferred payment method for some customers
  • Could potentially reduce sales from customers who rely on COD
  • Effectiveness depends on the app's integration capability with the existing e-commerce platform
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