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Showing 1 to 1 of 1 Apps
  • $89-$249 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial
62 Reviews

Allows users to SSO into Store using existing IDP credentials Show more

MiniOrange Single Sign On‑SSO is a powerful tool for Shopify stores (Plus and Non-plus) that enables seamless and secure access through various integration protocols such as SAML, OAuth, OpenID, JWT, and LDAP. It provides robust authentication by supporting a range of Identity Providers (IDPs) including Azure AD/B2C, Okta, Cognito, Keycloak, Auth0, and more. The app offers the capability to restrict access to specific store elements—be it products, pages, or entire collections—ensuring only authorized users from your IDP are granted entry. MiniOrange also facilitates the automatic creation of user profiles by synchronizing attributes like first name, last name, tags, and address from your IDP to Shopify customer profiles. Enhanced security is provided through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), ensuring that your store’s data remains protected. Additional features include Single Logout for unified session management and support for exclusive SSO use cases such as Headless/Mobile SSO, making it a comprehensive solution for simplifying authentication processes on Shopify.
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Access restriction
Multiple idp sso
User attribute sync
Auto user creation
Single logout
Mfa support
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