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Latitude Promotions

Develop by Latitude
Free App

Increase sales with promotional messaging.

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Set minimum amount

About Latitude Promotions

Launched Dec 24, 2020


Built by Latitude


Promote your partnership with Latitude (AU) and Gem (NZ) Interest Free payments as a payment option for your customer to choose. Our long term plans starts from 6 months onwards, depending on your agreement with Latitude. Showing your customers that you provide interest free option at checkout encourages your customers to even shop more at your store by giving them more flexibility on payment terms.

Promote your partnership with Latitude (AU) and Gem (NZ) Interest Free payments as a payment option for your customer to choose. Our long term plans starts from 6 months onwards, depending on your agreement with Latitude. Showing your customers that you provide interest free option at checkout encourages your customers to even shop more at your store by giving them more flexibility on payment terms. more
  • Easily enable Latitude widget on your product pages
  • Customise Latitude widget layout with visual preview
  • Set minimum amount for price breakdown to show (for selected promotions only)


  • Increases sales through promotional messaging
  • Promotes partnership with Latitude (AU) and Gem (NZ) for Interest Free payments
  • Offers flexible long-term payment plans starting from 6 months
  • Encourages customers to shop more by providing interest-free payment options
  • Easily enable Latitude widget on product pages
  • Customizable Latitude widget layout with visual preview
  • Option to set minimum amount for price breakdown to show


  • Only supports Latitude (AU) and Gem (NZ); limited geographical applicability
  • Long-term plans might depend heavily on agreement specifics with Latitude
  • Potential for customer dependency on interest-free payments, which may impact cash flow

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