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JobFly Career Page Builder logo

JobFly Career Page Builder

Develop by mrniamster


/ Month
14 Days Free Trial

Create Awesome Career pages

Ask questions
Export to csv
Create career page
Download resume
Shortlist candidates
Mail candidates

About JobFly Career Page Builder

Built by mrniamster

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# Converting customers to your next big job opening. Job portal lets you to gain that extra way to hire people from your store who may / may not be your customer & choose the best applications for your job right from your store Here are the key features: 1. Create career page on your shop and publish to shop menu. 2. Ask different questions to your customer/job applicants. 3. Download resume. 4. Short list candidates. 5. Mail candidates on click 6. Export the list to CSV format so you can...

# Converting customers to your next big job opening. Job portal lets you to gain that extra way to hire people from your store who may / may not be your customer & choose the best applications for your job right from your store Here are the key features: 1. Create career page on your shop and publish to shop menu. 2. Ask different questions to your customer/job applicants. 3. Download resume. 4. Short list candidates. 5. Mail candidates on click 6. Export the list to CSV format so you can... more


  • Allows creating career pages directly on your store, making it easy for customers to apply.
  • Customization options to ask different questions to applicants.
  • Ability to download resumes, which simplifies the application management process.
  • Feature to shortlist candidates directly from the store.
  • One-click email feature for easy communication with candidates.
  • Option to export candidates' information to CSV format for further processing.


  • Limited information provided on the user interface and usability of the app.
  • No mention of integration capabilities with existing HR software.
  • Unclear if there are any analytics or reporting features to track recruitment metrics.
  • Potential heavy reliance on the traffic to your store for job applications, which may not be suitable for stores with low visitor numbers.
  • No detailed reviews provided to assess real user satisfaction and potential bugs or issues.

Rating and Reviews

Law School Germany

May 28, 2024  on Shopify

It is not working.

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