Inventory History Guardian logo

Inventory History Guardian

Develop by GhostApps
Free App

Store and analyse inventory history beyond 90 days

Extended tracking
Historical data insights
Trend prediction

About Inventory History Guardian

Launched Aug 01, 2024


Built by GhostApps

Email :

[email protected]


Farnham, ENG, GB

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Extend your inventory tracking beyond the 90 day limit, preserving crucial data for long-term analysis. This tool empowers merchants to make informed restocking decisions based on historical trends, seasonal patterns, and product performance over time. By providing access to comprehensive inventory insights, you can optimize stock levels, reduce overstock and stockout risks, and improve cash flow management. Transform your historical inventory data into action

Extend your inventory tracking beyond the 90 day limit, preserving crucial data for long-term analysis. This tool empowers merchants to make informed restocking decisions based on historical trends, seasonal patterns, and product performance over time. By providing access to comprehensive inventory insights, you can optimize stock levels, reduce overstock and stockout risks, and improve cash flow management. Transform your historical inventory data into action more
  • Store unlimited inventory history for all of your store's products and variants
  • Save stock levels for each location
  • Graph and analyse stock levels against historic data to predict trends


  • Extends inventory tracking beyond the 90-day limit, allowing long-term analysis
  • Empowers merchants to make informed restocking decisions based on historical trends and seasonal patterns
  • Helps optimize stock levels, reducing overstock and stockout risks
  • Improves cash flow management through better inventory insights
  • Stores unlimited inventory history for all products and variants
  • Saves stock levels for each location
  • Provides graphical analysis of stock levels against historic data to predict trends


  • May require initial setup time and effort to input historical data
  • Potential complexity for users not familiar with data analysis or inventory management tools
  • The app's full functionality might be overkill for small businesses with limited products or simpler inventory needs
  • Dependence on the app for accurate data storage and analysis; any bugs could impact business decisions

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