Showing 1 to 7 of 1 Apps

Günstiger & schneller Print-on-Demand Service - Bilder aus DE Show more

Print-Invasion Print-on-Demand is an innovative app that facilitates the creation of personalized wall art, such as canvas prints and posters, through an intuitive product configurator. Its DIY mode allows users to easily customize their products, whether they are designing a single item or uploading in bulk. The app stands out by offering quick and hassle-free payment options through PayPal, coupled with swift production and shipping directly from Germany, ensuring delivery within 48 hours. Users benefit from competitive pricing thanks to the app's specialization in wall art. With no minimum order requirements, Print-Invasion is designed to cater to both small and large-scale needs. Furthermore, the app provides risk-free usage and access to a responsive customer support team for any inquiries.
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Bulkfunktion upload
Paypal zahlung
Produktion deutschland
Kurze lieferzeiten
  • $7.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
12 Reviews

Entdecken Sie erfolgreiche Dropship-Lieferanten & Produkte Show more

Dropclever ist eine umfassende Dropshipping-Lösung, die einen effizienten Bestellabwicklungsservice mit hochwertigen Lieferanten bietet. Die App garantiert die schnelle Bearbeitung von Bestellungen innerhalb von 5-7 Werktagen und stellt individuelle Tracking-Nummern bereit, um den Versand für Kunden transparent zu gestalten. Das engagierte Team von Dropclever fügt kontinuierlich erfolgreiche Trendprodukte hinzu, um sicherzustellen, dass Nutzer stets die neuesten und gefragtesten Artikel anbieten können. Mit automatisierten Prozessen für Versand und Bestandsmanagement können sich Nutzer voll und ganz auf das Wachstum ihres Geschäfts konzentrieren. Die Plattform unterstützt eine unbegrenzte Verwendung von Lieferanten und Produkten, während ein 24/7 WhatsApp-Support durch erfahrene Agenten zur Verfügung steht. Dropclever arbeitet ausschließlich mit vertrauenswürdigen Lieferanten zusammen und hält seine Produktpalette kontinuierlich auf dem neuesten Stand.
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Schnelle bestellabwicklung
Individuelle tracking-nummern
Bestandsmanagement automatisierung
Unbegrenzte lieferanten nutzung
Winning products updates

Automatisiert Altersverifikationen für Produkte mit Altersbesc Show more

Aico Age Verification is a robust application designed to assist retailers in ensuring that age-restricted products are sold only to eligible customers. By implementing automated age verification processes, the app simplifies the sales procedure and effectively prevents underage purchases. Aico Age Verification offers customizable age restrictions, allowing businesses to tailor the age criteria according to their specific needs and the products they offer. The app integrates seamlessly at the checkout stage, providing a smooth and efficient experience for both the seller and the buyer. Additionally, retailers benefit from real-time email notifications, keeping them informed of successful verifications and potential discrepancies. With Aico Age Verification, businesses can confidently comply with legal age requirements and safeguard their operations from regulatory issues.
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Real-time email notifications
Customizable age restrictions
Seamless checkout verification
  • $9-$19 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
50 Reviews

Rechnungen, Gutschriften, Zahlungen, Produkte, Kunden, Steuern Show more

The "sevdesk Buchhaltung 2026+" app offers a streamlined and compliant solution for managing your business accounting seamlessly throughout the year. By linking your store with sevdesk, you can effortlessly handle accounting tasks, issue professional e-invoices, and fulfill tax obligations with ease. Setting up the app is straightforward, and once completed, it provides numerous configuration options to automate tax-related sales transactions, send receipts via email, and integrate into both Shopify’s admin and customer areas. The app automatically generates e-invoices and credit notes for orders, ensuring a clear overview of all documents within the order view. With various app blocks and admin actions, it allows seamless integration into your shop’s admin and storefront. Additionally, it supports Basic Tax, offering an alternative to Shopify Tax, potentially saving up to 0.99€ per order.
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Tax automation
Automated invoicing
Customer sync
Credit note creation
Payment management

Mehr Umsatz mit DSGVO-konformen E-Mail-Marketing. Show more

Campaign.Plus E-Mail-Marketing is a powerful tool designed for quickly creating professional email campaigns aimed at reaching and informing customers while boosting sales. Its intuitive Drag & Drop Template Editor allows you to design stunning newsletter templates and seamlessly integrate products directly from your shop. The app's seamless integration capabilities enable the generation of specific selections from order data, enhancing the relevance of your newsletters and increasing their effectiveness. Users can synchronize contacts, including newsletter subscribers, buyers, and other users, ensuring streamlined communication. Additionally, products can be easily embedded into newsletters using drag and drop, and order data can be synced to enable automation and personalization. The app also offers features for segmenting contacts based on purchasing behavior and creating automated sales campaigns, making it a comprehensive solution for targeted marketing efforts.
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Kontakte synchronisieren
Produkte synchronisieren
Bestellungen synchronisieren
  • $199-$399 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
1 Reviews

3D-Konfiguration für Ihre Produkte: Schnell und einfach. Show more

The K3 ‑ 3D Produkt Konfigurator app seamlessly integrates the K3 configurator into your online store, enhancing customer interaction with an intuitive, step-by-step customization process. By utilizing interactive 3D visualizations, the app provides a dynamic and personalized experience where product visuals and prices adapt to customer selections in real-time. Without any programming required, you can implement complex product rules, allowing for sophisticated customization, including prints and Augmented Reality (AR) representations. The guided configuration journey ensures that customers fully comprehend your products, engaging deeply with them, which has been shown to significantly boost purchase intent. The K3 configurator also includes advanced features such as validity checks based on product rules, material and color options, and dynamic pricing synchronization with your shop's inventory. Its robust functionality is rounded off with seamless integration into the shopping cart, ensuring that the user’s journey from customization to purchase is smooth and efficient.
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Seamless integration
Interactive 3d visualization
Dynamic price updates
Augmented reality display
Complex product rules
Material and color selection

Spende pro Bestellung & kommuniziere Deine Werte an Kund:innen Show more

FairGeben ‑ Digitale Spenden ist eine innovative App, die es Shop-Besitzern ermöglicht, Spendenaktionen direkt in ihrem Online-Shop zu integrieren. Mit der App können Benutzer ihre eigenen Charity-Kollektionen erstellen und entscheiden, ob sie pro Artikel oder pro Bestellung spenden möchten. Die Höhe des Spendenbetrags ist flexibel anpassbar, so dass man entweder einen festen Betrag oder einen Prozentsatz wählen kann. Benutzer haben die Freiheit, aus einer Auswahl transparenter und vertrauenswürdiger Nonprofit-Projekte zu wählen, die sie unterstützen möchten. Durch die Implementierung von Spenden-Meilensteinen im Einkaufswagen werden Kunden zu einem Kauf motiviert, da sie erkennen können, wie ihre Einkäufe zur Unterstützung einer guten Sache beitragen. Um das Engagement weiter zu fördern, können Shops Spendenbadges anzeigen, die die bisher gesammelte Spendensumme präsentieren. FairGeben kümmert sich um die gesamte Spendenabwicklung und bietet Echtzeit-Statistiken sowie Spendenquittungen, um Transparenz und Vertrauen zu gewährleisten.
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Real-time statistics
Pro order donation
Create charity collections
Set donation amount
Choose projects
Donation milestones
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