HubRise logo


Develop by HubRise
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Receive orders in 3rd party EPOS solutions

    Inventory management
    Order synchronization
    Delivery management
    Business intelligence
    Epos integration
    Catalog import
    Emarketing integration

    About HubRise

    Launched Sep 17, 2021


    Built by HubRise


    Tired of manually entering orders in your EPOS? HubRise connects your Shopify online store to multiple 3rd party solutions, including your Point Of Sales (EPOS) as well as your delivery management, delivery services, printing, eMarketing (SMS/emailing), business intelligence, inventory management solutions, and more. When you connect the HubRise app, you can import your EPOS product catalog into Shopify via HubRise. Once you are set, orders made on your Shopify ecommerce website will be...

    Tired of manually entering orders in your EPOS? HubRise connects your Shopify online store to multiple 3rd party solutions, including your Point Of Sales (EPOS) as well as your delivery management, delivery services, printing, eMarketing (SMS/emailing), business intelligence, inventory management solutions, and more. When you connect the HubRise app, you can import your EPOS product catalog into Shopify via HubRise. Once you are set, orders made on your Shopify ecommerce website will be... more


    • Automates the process of entering orders into EPOS, reducing manual work
    • Supports connectivity with multiple 3rd party solutions such as delivery management, delivery services, printing, eMarketing (SMS/email), business intelligence, and inventory management
    • Allows for importing EPOS product catalog into Shopify, streamlining inventory management
    • Facilitates real-time order processing from Shopify to various connected services, improving operational efficiency


    • Requires initial setup, which could be complex for users unfamiliar with EPOS and integrated systems
    • Potential integration issues with some specific 3rd party solutions not explicitly mentioned
    • Dependence on internet connectivity for real-time data transfer, which can be a drawback in areas with unstable connections
    • Limited detailed reviews available to thoroughly understand user experience and potential hidden issues

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