Create a more immersive experience for your store with music. Show more
Inspire & sell 2x: Shoppable Videos, Instagram, & UGC Gallery Show more
Display variant names in a swatch on the collection & homepage Show more
Surprise everyone! Give random discount coupon and boost sales Show more
Create Beautiful Shopable Instagram Galleries For Every Page Show more
Redirect users to custom URL after login, logout, registration Show more
Create Your Perfect Store with Prebuilt Theme Sections!
Boost Sales and UX with AI-driven Recommendations. Show more
Refresh your buyer’s memory by recommendations of products. Show more
Create Instagram-like stories to drive more engagement. Show more
Add AI chatbot for skincare advice and product recommendations Show more
Let customers choose a place and time for their order
Create video banner section to homepage with one click Show more
Get valuable insights with customer voting on your homepage. Show more
Display variant names in a swatch on the collection & homepage Show more
Easy landing page builder, homepage, product page, blog & more Show more
Create product sliders or collection sliders and slideshows Show more
Quickly add products to cart from any page. Show more
Universal Slider - Product Image Carousel, Banner Slideshow. Show more
Create Instagram-like stories to drive more engagement. Show more