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  • $9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

"Setup Heureka CZ/SK XML product export feeds effortlessly." Show more

Heureka XML Feed is a streamlined app designed to facilitate the setup of your Heureka CZ/SK product export feed effortlessly. By focusing on this one essential feature, it ensures a user-friendly experience for businesses looking to leverage Heureka's platform to showcase their products. The app generates an XML product feed specifically tailored for Heureka, helping you seamlessly integrate your product listings. One standout feature is the ability to limit products by collection, giving you greater control and flexibility over which items to make available to Heureka's extensive audience. Installation is straightforward and uncomplicated, allowing for quick deployment without the need for complex configurations. Overall, Heureka XML Feed empowers users to optimize their product visibility on Heureka with minimal hassle.
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Easy installation
Xml product feed
Limit products by collection
  • Free Plan Available
1 Reviews

Zobrazte Heuréka hodnocení ve stylu, který si přizpůsobíte.

Design customization
Template integration
Heureka reviews display
Customizable review section
Add reviews to articles
Product page reviews

Collect customer consents and send out Heureka questionnaires Show more

Heureka: Verified by Customers is an app designed to enhance the trustworthiness of your online store by leveraging genuine customer reviews. By registering on the Czech or Slovak Overeno zakazniky portal and integrating your API key, you can utilize this app to seamlessly add a consent button for sending out customer feedback questionnaires during the cart or checkout process. Once a purchase is completed and the customer consents, their email is shared with Heureka, who then follows up with a questionnaire. The feedback gathered can be showcased on your site, along with a certificate, bolstering your store’s credibility. The app offers easy implementation, allowing you to add the consent block via a simple drag-and-drop interface, with no coding skills required. Additionally, you'll benefit from a history log of all dispatched questionnaires and enjoy exceptional 24/7 customer support.
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Consent button integration
Email sharing automation
Review display capability
Drag and drop block
  • $3 / Month
  • 31 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Snadné nastavení Heureka Měření konverzí Show more

Heureka.cz Měření konverzí je specializovaná aplikace navržená pro integraci Heureka měření konverzí s platformou Shopify, což výrazně usnadňuje sledování a analýzu konverzí ve vašem e-shopu. Obchodníci mohou jednoduše automatizovat sledování konverzí, čímž získávají cenné informace o výkonu svých prodejů. Aplikace poskytuje detailní reporty, které pomáhají optimalizovat obchodní strategie a zvyšovat ziskovost. Proces integrace je rychlý a snadný, čímž eliminuje potřebu hlubokých technických znalostí. Tímto způsobem mohou obchodníci maximálně využít svých marketingových investic a zlepšit uživatelskou zkušenost. Navíc, tato aplikace podporuje zvýšení efektivity a konkurenční výhodu na trhu.
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Automated conversion tracking
Detailed performance reports
Quick, simple integration
  • $9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

"Setup Heureka CZ/SK XML product export feeds effortlessly." Show more

Heureka XML Feed is a streamlined app designed to facilitate the setup of your Heureka CZ/SK product export feed effortlessly. By focusing on this one essential feature, it ensures a user-friendly experience for businesses looking to leverage Heureka's platform to showcase their products. The app generates an XML product feed specifically tailored for Heureka, helping you seamlessly integrate your product listings. One standout feature is the ability to limit products by collection, giving you greater control and flexibility over which items to make available to Heureka's extensive audience. Installation is straightforward and uncomplicated, allowing for quick deployment without the need for complex configurations. Overall, Heureka XML Feed empowers users to optimize their product visibility on Heureka with minimal hassle.
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Easy installation
Xml product feed
Limit products by collection
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
7 Reviews

Recenze na Heurece a certifikát Ověřeno zákazníky bez kódování Show more

Heureka | Ověřeno zákazníky je praktická aplikace, která zvyšuje důvěryhodnost vašeho obchodu tím, že vám pomáhá efektivně sbírat zákaznické recenze. Díky jednoduché integraci, kterou zvládnete i bez znalosti kódu, můžete snadno získat Certifikát Ověřeno zákazníky k prezentaci na svém webu. Aplikace je kompatibilní s českým i slovenským portálem Ověřeno zákazníky, což rozšiřuje její dosah. Stačí se zaregistrovat na jednom z těchto portálů a zadat svůj API klíč do aplikace. Po každém nákupu, pokud zákazník souhlasí s odesláním dotazníku, obdrží dotazník e-mailem. Tento proces nejen zlepšuje vaši reputaci, ale také posiluje vztahy se zákazníky tím, že jim umožňuje sdílet jejich zkušenosti. Pro zajištění hladkého provozu poskytuje aplikace pomoc s vložením souhlasu s odeslání dotazníku přímo do nákupního košíku.
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Simple implementation
Review collection
Customer certification
Consent assistance
  • $9-$19 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
12 Reviews

Create custom xml file(link) from products. Real time update Show more

Exporto ‑ Products Data Export is a versatile app designed to streamline the export of product data in various formats including XML, perfectly tailored to meet your business needs. With Exporto, you have the flexibility to customize XML files with specific tag names, nested levels, and static tags, ensuring that your data is structured exactly as required. This app supports exporting all products, with or without variants, and allows you to save files for future access, optimizing efficiency. Compatible with major platforms like Google Merchant Center, Facebook Business, Glami, and more, it facilitates seamless product feed generation for multiple marketplaces. The app features robust filtering options by collection, vendor, status, and more, as well as additional tags with conditional rules to refine your data exports. Enjoy enhanced functionalities including live feeds, text translation and modification, title adjustments, and the inclusion of metafields, making Exporto an essential tool for product data management.
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Real-time updates
Custom xml setup
Format selection
Save for future
Include/exclude variants
Filter options
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