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Attract eco-conscious shoppers using Green Score for products

Self-assessed scores
Spreadsheet interface
Easy embeds

About Greeniemart

Launched Apr 17, 2024


Built by Ampyard Private Limited


Boost your store's conversion rates – Showcase self-assessed 'Green' scores on products

Are you losing out on potential sales? 60% of global shoppers prefer to buy from 'green' stores, according to research published by Business Wire. With Greeniemart, you can add self-assessed 'Green scores' to your products yourself. Just enter the scores in a simple spreadsheet-like interface, and Greeniemart will display them attractively to your shoppers.

Are you losing out on potential sales? 60% of global shoppers prefer to buy from 'green' stores, according to research published by Business Wire. With Greeniemart, you can add self-assessed 'Green scores' to your products yourself. Just enter the scores in a simple spreadsheet-like interface, and Greeniemart will display them attractively to your shoppers. more
  • Add self-assessed 'Green Score' to products - Attract eco-conscious shoppers
  • Easy embeds: Green Scores shine on your product pages
  • Edit scores anytime with a spreadsheet-like interface


  • Helps attract eco-conscious shoppers by displaying Green Scores
  • 60% of global shoppers prefer to buy from green stores, creating a market advantage
  • User-friendly interface for entering scores, similar to a spreadsheet
  • Scores are displayed attractively on product pages
  • Allows for easy editing of scores at any time


  • Reliance on self-assessed Green Scores may lead to questions of authenticity and accuracy
  • Repetition in product description, which might confuse potential users
  • May not provide detailed metrics or validation for Green Scores, reducing credibility for discerning customers

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