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Fresh Photo Gallery (Updated) logo

Fresh Photo Gallery (Updated)


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19 Days Free Trial

An easiest way to add beautiful photo galleries to your store

Quick setup
Easy customization
Unlimited uploads
Multiple templates
Various layouts
Engaging galleries
8 Reviews

About Fresh Photo Gallery (Updated)

Launched Sep 17, 2019


Built by Fresh Design Studio

Email :

[email protected]


1270 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS FL 7 -1095, New York, NY, 10020, US

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Elevate Your Store: Unlimited & Easy-to-Use Photo Gallery App to Transform your Store.

Upgrade your e-commerce store with Fresh Gallery, the user-friendly gallery app that focuses on ease of use and lightning-fast loading times. Create beautiful galleries effortlessly, showcasing your products to captivate your customers and set your store apart. Fresh Gallery prioritizes simplicity and speed, providing a fast-loading and easy-to-understand gallery experience that keeps your customers engaged.

Upgrade your e-commerce store with Fresh Gallery, the user-friendly gallery app that focuses on ease of use and lightning-fast loading times. Create beautiful galleries effortlessly, showcasing your products to captivate your customers and set your store apart. Fresh Gallery prioritizes simplicity and speed, providing a fast-loading and easy-to-understand gallery experience that keeps your customers engaged. more
  • Grid, Masonry, Slideshow, Carousel & Collage templates for a unique look
  • Display galleries anywhere in your store with multiple layout options
  • Unlimited photo uploads: showcase your products without limits


  • Very user-friendly and easy to use, allowing effortless creation of photo galleries
  • Focused on lightning-fast loading times, ensuring a smooth user experience
  • Provides various templates such as Grid, Masonry, Slideshow, Carousel, and Collage for a unique look
  • Multiple layout options to display galleries anywhere in your store
  • Unlimited photo uploads, allowing the showcasing of products without limits


  • Lack of advanced customization options for experienced users
  • May not integrate well with all e-commerce platforms
  • Potential for bugs and glitches if not regularly updated

Top Helpful Reviews

Kitty Shop

Mar 22, 2024  on Shopify

I don't know what the fuzz is, it's a gallery app that works well on all my Shopify pages. I use it for product displays, testimonials, and user showcases. It's a huge point for me to be light and speedy. I have tested probably 6 other photo gallery apps, this one is the fastest.

Shine Shopie

Mar 21, 2024  on Shopify

I've tried a bunch of gallery apps for my Shopify store, but Fresh Photo Gallery is by far the best value! It took no more than 30 seconds to set up, and I can pick from lots of different gallery layouts, which makes my store look high-end and unique. The best part is that I can make as many galleries as I want and put them anywhere in my store. This means I can show off my products in so many ways. It feels like I can do anything to make my store shine!

Head To Toes Handmade

Sep 06, 2021  on Shopify

THIS IS A TERRIBLE APP DO NOT ADD TO YOUR SHOP! I created ALOT of albums and they were showing up fine for a few hours and then all of a sudden they had ALL DISAPPEARED! it took me forever to upload to begin with and all that work for nothing. VERY DISAPPOINTED!


May 31, 2021  on Shopify

Hi! I added this app, made few galleries, but I have some problems. I wrote 2 times to support, but no any answers! How to get help from support team? Thanks.

Hidden Michigan Monsters

Jan 04, 2021  on Shopify

Tried using this app to display Instagram photos on my website and it continued to not show the photos, rather blank image spaces. Had to reload the photos and reconnect to Instagram countless times...


Aug 05, 2020  on Shopify

first class support from john, looked for a gallery for sometime, and this ticks all the boxes... i cannot begin to explain how much support i was given with regards asking for a gallery button on my homepage ....if you are looking for a nice gallery ...look no further ...fantastic thanks again !!!


Jul 29, 2020  on Shopify

This gallery helped me a lot, it works well and is well tuned. I have a lot of free digital products on my site to attract buyers. And for a long time I looked for a gallery, went through many. This is ideal if you need to sort a lot of pictures. I do not know how many photos can be added in the description of this one. I was surprised that there were so few reviews but I found the reason. When I wanted to write a review from the application, I was thrown with everything else by another application of your company related to inventory. I specifically went to the site and found your application in the search to write a review .. From the wishes - it would be very good that you still have the opportunity to share pictures on social networks as in other similar applications.

GREY Style

Oct 20, 2019  on Shopify

After trying a few other apps, this is the easiest app to create and insert a photo gallery in my Shopify store. It works for us on mobile and desktop, which some apps just don't. We also can add photos directly from Instagram, which save us time.

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