Product Feeds for Facebook, Google, Insta, Pinterest & more!
Simple and reliable popups to promote sales and capture...
Feed Donkey - great value prices to build dynamic feeds to power your advertising. Fully automated, set rules, create filters, custom metadata, location based stock, collection information. Advanced features as standard including flexiable variable builder & RegEx. Over 30 pre built channel templates, for fast setup. Full support for all. Google Shopping Feed, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Microsoft Ads, Pricerunner, Wish Shopping, Vivino, Criteo, Idealo, Kelkoo, Twenga, Adroll, AWIN, etc
Stunning official Instagram gallery with Slider & Grid...
Scale with AI advertising: Google ads & Shopping Facebook...
Effortlessly real-time sync products,orders to TikTok Shop...
Generate Multiple Custom Feeds or for Google, Facebook etc....