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Customer reviews: ACOD: Cash On Delivery COD Fee

Reviews (50)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Overall, merchants have a positive view of the "ACOD: Cash On Delivery COD Fee" app. Users appreciate its ease of use, straightforward integration, and effectiveness in managing cash on delivery options. Many have found it to match their needs perfectly, especially after the removal of similar apps from the store.

Key Strengths

  • Simple and easy to configure
  • Free to use
  • Effective and as described
  • Helpful tutorial videos
  • Quick and helpful support
  • Accurate in limiting COD to specific criteria

Common Concerns

  • Lack of bulk ZIP code entry feature
  • Limited options for additional features

Final Thoughts

The "ACOD: Cash On Delivery COD Fee" app is well received by merchants for its simplicity and efficiency in handling COD requirements. While it effectively meets basic needs, the addition of more customizable features could enhance its functionality further. Overall, it remains a valuable tool for users needing straightforward COD management.


Oct 05, 2024  on Shopify

I would rate it 5 stars if the app had feature to put PIN CODES/ZIP Codes in bulk. Entering a large number of pin codes/zip codes manually is not feasible.

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