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Easy Translation


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Reach more customers with high-quality translations.

    Automatic translations
    Translate products
    Privacy focused
    High-quality translations
    Supports 135 languages
    Translate metafields
    Translate themes
    Manual translation filters
    Translation status tracking
    14 Reviews

    About Easy Translation

    Built by Sven Straubinger

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Gönninger Str. 109, Pfullingen, 72793, DE

    Website Privacy policy


    Automatically create translations for all kinds of content – powered by DeepL translations.

    Easy Translation is a simple and lightweight translation app with support for 135 languages, which lets you quickly browse and translate your products, metafields, themes or other resources. Automatically translate up to 1 Mio. characters per month or browse and filter resources you want to translate manually. See which translations are undone, completed or outdated. The app was built with privacy in mind. We only request a minimum of data required – no sensitive data is accessed or stored.

    Easy Translation is a simple and lightweight translation app with support for 135 languages, which lets you quickly browse and translate your products, metafields, themes or other resources. Automatically translate up to 1 Mio. characters per month or browse and filter resources you want to translate manually. See which translations are undone, completed or outdated. The app was built with privacy in mind. We only request a minimum of data required – no sensitive data is accessed or stored. more
    • More languages, more customers. Increase your reach by adding more languages.
    • Built on Shopify's native translation feature.
    • Seamless integration, no need to touch your theme's code.
    • Automatically translate content with our DeepL integration.
    • DeepL translations are proven to be four times better than the competition.

    Introduction Video


    • Supports 135 languages, enabling a broad reach
    • Lightweight and simple to use interface
    • Allows for manual and automatic translations up to 1 million characters per month
    • Built with privacy in mind; only minimal and non-sensitive data is accessed
    • Features the ability to filter and browse resources for translation easily
    • Integration with DeepL provides high-quality translations
    • Automatically recognizes out-of-date or undone translations
    • Seamless integration with Shopify using its native translation feature
    • No need to modify theme code for integration


    • Limited to translating 1 million characters per month, which might not be sufficient for larger stores
    • Manual browsing and filtering can be time-consuming for extensive inventories
    • Relies heavily on DeepL for quality translation, which may not cover all subtleties in language

    Rating And Reviews


    Apr 05, 2024  on Shopify

    Super App. Auf das wesentliche konzentriert und darum keinerlei Auswirkungen auf die Ladezeiten. Das kann sonst keine der Übersetzungsapps. Der Support ist top und sehr hilfsbereit. Sehr empfehlenswert!


    Mar 21, 2024  on Shopify

    not worth the money, very limited number of words, and very limited functionalities.

    Steel Vintage Bikes

    Nov 15, 2023  on Shopify

    This is actually indeed a very "easy" app, easy to burn your money as 1M characters is a very low limit and you can buy 10M more for 250USD, however though it does sound like a lot - it is not... for every language you use the character credits. If you have 1000 products with a description of of 1000 characters (which is rather short with only 150 words), then you already use 1M characters for one language! At that stage you didn't translate nothing else... no metafields, no meta information. No calculate yourself if it's worth it or not... For us it was not. Disadvantages of the app: - Not a transparent pricing - Very (very!) slow - Limited functionality (e.g. you want to change a translation of a product with all metafields - not possible in the app, easier to use the Translate & Adapt to see all information in one place) - No glossary, you will need to go through your translations manually (why not? You are charging a lot of money for something that should have been there) -No real trial period Thanks Sven but no thanks... Feeling scammed here

    Trooper Beer EU - distributed by Universal Marketing EU

    Oct 29, 2023  on Shopify

    This is the BEST translation app in Shopify. Highly recommended!!! They use DeepL, which is already a huge bonus, the app is easy and straightforward to use. Exactly what I needed. Honestly, I don't know why not everybody is using this translation app, sadly people are always choosing apps that have a high number of reviews and believe they get quality. This app is a true gem! Thank you Sven, you did a great job!

    Voldt Euro

    Oct 02, 2023  on Shopify

    Best translation app there is. It works simple but effective. And you use Deepl which is really is the only actual good translation app there is.


    Aug 11, 2023  on Shopify

    It is a great and simple app, that integrates perfectly into shopify's multi-language framework. If you need a fast, smart and straightforward translation app, using the deepl translation engine, this is the best app to go for! Great job!

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