Notify me button! Send back in stock, restock & instock alerts
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Swym Back in Stock Alerts is a powerful app designed to help ecommerce businesses maximize their sales and streamline inventory management. With just minutes to set up, it allows you to add a "Notify me" button to your product pages, enabling automatic email or SMS alerts for customers when items are restocked. This feature helps capture demand even before inventory is available, thanks to a handy preorder option. The app employs AI to provide smart, in-stock recommendations for products that are out of stock, enhancing customer engagement. Seamlessly customizable to align with your site's theme and available in any language, it supports integration with your email or SMS marketing platforms. Moreover, Swym offers advanced inventory control capabilities, including batch alerts, coming soon notifications, and insights to track popular products. Expand your email lists through out-of-stock subscribers and leverage Facebook/Instagram retargeting ads to reach interested audiences efficiently.