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EPOS Integration & Sync

Develop by EPOS V5
Free App

Easily track your sales and manage your inventory

Order management
Manage inventory
Track sales
Seamless synchronization
Customer consistency

About EPOS Integration & Sync

Launched Jan 17, 2023


Built by EPOS V5


Sell your products and keep a concurrent record of your sales and inventory of your physical store.

With EPOS V5, product information will flow seamlessly between both platforms. You can easily keep track of your sales, inventory and order information on EPOS platform. We ensure that business owners like you can cut down on the time and effort needed to manage your orders and inventory.

With EPOS V5, product information will flow seamlessly between both platforms. You can easily keep track of your sales, inventory and order information on EPOS platform. We ensure that business owners like you can cut down on the time and effort needed to manage your orders and inventory. more
  • Create a product and start selling your product immediately.
  • Keep track of your inventory level directly from EPOS as the system of record.
  • When an order is made, it will be recorded in EPOS V5 platform at the same time.
  • Maintain a consistent list of customers across EPOS V5 and Shopify.

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