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QR Code Generator by Elfsight logo

QR Code Generator by Elfsight

Develop by Elfsight


/ Month
7 Days Free Trial

Generate QR code and embed QR Code in your store

Customizable design
Easy installation
Redirect visitors
Share url
Add title
Choose icons
Custom logo
Repaint elements
Adjust size

About QR Code Generator by Elfsight

Launched Dec 29, 2019


Built by Elfsight

Email :

[email protected]


Paronyan, 19/3, 204, Yerevan, 0015, AM

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Use a QR code on your website to help people get any info instantly on their phones

Elfsight QR Code app is a powerful tool allowing you immediately redirect your visitors to any website, share an URL, location, email, any file and more. The widget is remarkably customizable: you can adjoin a title, caption, pick the icon and logo - from our library or take your own, repaint the text, background, frame and adjust the widget’s size the way you need. All is left to do is start building the widget - the installation is a breeze and won’t require any coding skills.

Elfsight QR Code app is a powerful tool allowing you immediately redirect your visitors to any website, share an URL, location, email, any file and more. The widget is remarkably customizable: you can adjoin a title, caption, pick the icon and logo - from our library or take your own, repaint the text, background, frame and adjust the widget’s size the way you need. All is left to do is start building the widget - the installation is a breeze and won’t require any coding skills. more
  • Instant connection in a click
  • Create an extraordinarily informative tool
  • Choose the frame that is best for you


  • Highly customizable widget allowing personalization with titles, captions, icons, and logos
  • No coding skills required for installation, making it accessible to all users
  • Ability to share a wide range of data types, including URLs, locations, emails, and files
  • Instant connection and redirection capabilities, improving user engagement
  • Remarkably easy to install and set up on your store


  • Limited information on advanced features or integrations with other platforms
  • Dependency on visual elements may not be ideal for all branding strategies

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