Broken link fix | EasyRedirect logo

Broken link fix | EasyRedirect

Develop by MeeFa, Inc.


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 7 Days Free Trial

    An All-in-One Redirect App for Enhanced Usability and SEO

    Auto redirects
    404 error fix
    Post-login redirects

    About Broken link fix | EasyRedirect

    Launched Mar 08, 2024


    Built by MeeFa, Inc.

    Email :

    [email protected]


    栄4-119-1, 埼玉県北足立郡伊奈町, JP-11, 3620805, JP

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document


    This app can fix broken links / dead links / 404 error automatically by using redirect.

    Make your site more welcoming and efficient! Easy Redirect lets you guide users smoothly after sign-ups or logins and fixes 404 errors without hassle. Perfect for enhancing user experience and SEO.

    Make your site more welcoming and efficient! Easy Redirect lets you guide users smoothly after sign-ups or logins and fixes 404 errors without hassle. Perfect for enhancing user experience and SEO. more
    • Smooth Post-Login or Registration Redirects to Enhance User Experience
    • Effortless Handling of 404 Errors to Keep Your Site User-Friendly
    • Hassle-Free Automatic 301 Redirection for Missing Pages


    • Enhances user experience with smooth post-login or registration redirects
    • Effortlessly handles 404 errors to maintain a user-friendly site
    • Provides hassle-free automatic 301 redirection for missing pages
    • Improves site usability and SEO


    • May require initial setup and configuration which could be cumbersome for non-technical users
    • Potentially adds complexity to site management if not monitored regularly
    • The app's effectiveness might be limited by website-specific constraints and use cases

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