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Toktempo Countdown

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Create Countdown Timers as sections anywhere on your store

    Seamless integration
    Customizable timers
    User-friendly setup
    Presets available
    No development skills
    Enhanced urgency
    Condensed view option
    Horizontal view option
    Multiple unique timers

    About Toktempo Countdown

    Launched Jun 05, 2024


    Built by City Time Brands SL


    Create a sense of urgency with "Toktempo Countdown"! Our plugin lets you seamlessly integrate countdown timers across your Shopify site with a block structure inside your theme customizer. With a user-friendly setup, you can place your timer anywhere on your site. You can use our presets or customize each counter without need of development skills. Perfect for flash sales, seasonal offers, or special events like Black Friday

    Create a sense of urgency with "Toktempo Countdown"! Our plugin lets you seamlessly integrate countdown timers across your Shopify site with a block structure inside your theme customizer. With a user-friendly setup, you can place your timer anywhere on your site. You can use our presets or customize each counter without need of development skills. Perfect for flash sales, seasonal offers, or special events like Black Friday more
    • Choose colors and fonts from our templates or customize your own
    • Choose between condensed or horizontal views for a smooth user experience
    • Create multiple timers with unique styles for any event


    • Easy integration with Shopify site using block structure inside theme customizer
    • User-friendly setup, no development skills required
    • Customizable presets for different events like flash sales or special occasions
    • Ability to customize colors and fonts from templates or create your own
    • Options for both condensed and horizontal views to enhance user experience
    • Supports multiple timers with unique styles for various events


    • Limited to Shopify platform, not usable for other e-commerce platforms
    • Customization options might still be somewhat restricting compared to full developer access
    • May potentially slow down site performance depending on how many timers are used and their configurations

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