Segment Sections logo

Segment Sections

Develop by T.M.


/ Month

Display content for customer segment - spending, orders count

Content customization
Automated delivery
Customer object filter
Spending-based display
Order-count messages
Email signup messages
Animated sign-in icon
Campaign segmentation

About Segment Sections

Launched Mar 22, 2024


Built by T.M.


Filtered content delivery based on customer order count, spending, and marketing subscriptions.

Customer object filter - Customize and display your offerings, promotions, and discounts using key customer segment filtering metrics including order count, spending, and email subscriptions. Easily apply filters to target specific customer segments, such as new users or first-time buyers. Capture user attention with an animated sign-in icon, encouraging them to explore exclusive offers and ideally, sign up for email marketing campaigns.

Customer object filter - Customize and display your offerings, promotions, and discounts using key customer segment filtering metrics including order count, spending, and email subscriptions. Easily apply filters to target specific customer segments, such as new users or first-time buyers. Capture user attention with an animated sign-in icon, encouraging them to explore exclusive offers and ideally, sign up for email marketing campaigns. more
  • Automating delivery of customized content
  • Display content when a customer reaches a certain amount of spending
  • Display a message when a customer has reached a certain number of orders
  • Display a message when a customer is logged in or signed up for email marketing
  • Animated sign-in icon

Email marketing features

  • Campaign types: Discounts, Promotions, Rewards
  • Managing campaigns: Segmentation

Introduction Video


  • Advanced customer segmentation features allowing for targeted marketing
  • Easy application of filters to target specific customer segments such as new users or first-time buyers
  • Automates delivery of customized content based on spending thresholds and order counts
  • Encourages email marketing sign-ups with an animated sign-in icon
  • Displays specific messages when customers meet certain conditions like spending amounts or order counts
  • Supports various campaign types, including discounts, promotions, and rewards


  • May require initial setup and configuration to align with business-specific needs
  • Potential complexity in managing multiple filters and campaigns simultaneously
  • Dependence on customer data; accuracy of segmentation relies on the quality of the input data
  • Animated features may not appeal to all users and could potentially be distracting

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