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Showing 1 to 4 of 3 Apps
  • $49 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
10 Reviews

Treueprogramm & Punkte, Gutscheine, Bewertungen, Empfehlungen Show more

Loyalcustomer Treueprogramm is a comprehensive loyalty application designed to enhance customer retention and engagement. Seamlessly combining loyalty points, referral marketing, and product reviews, it offers a versatile all-in-one solution. Despite being new to the market, this app evolves rapidly by integrating customer feedback and desires, enabling the release of advanced features. Completely compliant with GDPR, the app ensures data privacy by hosting all information on servers within Germany, guaranteeing that no personal data leaves the country. It offers features like digital loyalty points, gift cards, free shipping options, and a refer-a-friend program to attract new customers. Compatible specifically with Shopify merchants in the DACH region, it represents the first GDPR-compliant loyalty program catering to their needs. Additionally, it provides insightful analytics on purchasing behaviors and product reviews, helping businesses make informed decisions.
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Treuepunkte sammeln
Gutscheine generieren
Produktbewertungen integrieren
Analyse & insights
  • $19-$49 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Automatisiere rechtskonforme E‑Rechnungen für Shopify-Bestellungen effizient und fehlerfrei. Show more

E‑Rechnung ist eine effiziente App, die Shopify-Händlern hilft, rechtskonforme elektronische Rechnungen direkt aus ihren Bestellungen zu erstellen. Sie richtet sich insbesondere an Händler, die Behörden, Geschäftskunden oder öffentliche Auftraggeber beliefern und somit E-Rechnungen gemäß gesetzlicher Vorgaben benötigen. Die App unterstützt die standardisierten Formate XRechnung und ZUGFeRD und sorgt durch Automatisierung für eine erhebliche Zeitersparnis sowie eine Reduzierung von Fehlern. Benutzerfreundlichkeit steht im Vordergrund, da die App sich nahtlos in den Shopify-Shop integriert und DSGVO-konform ist. Zusätzlich bietet sie die Möglichkeit, dass Kunden ihre Rechnungen bequem über das Profil herunterladen können. Die klare Ausrichtung der App auf die Erfüllung gesetzlicher Rechnungsanforderungen macht sie zum idealen Werkzeug für den professionellen Online-Handel.
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Automatische rechnungen
Nahtlose integration
Rechtskonforme formate

Mehr Umsatz mit DSGVO-konformen E-Mail-Marketing. Show more

Campaign.Plus E-Mail-Marketing is a powerful tool designed for quickly creating professional email campaigns aimed at reaching and informing customers while boosting sales. Its intuitive Drag & Drop Template Editor allows you to design stunning newsletter templates and seamlessly integrate products directly from your shop. The app's seamless integration capabilities enable the generation of specific selections from order data, enhancing the relevance of your newsletters and increasing their effectiveness. Users can synchronize contacts, including newsletter subscribers, buyers, and other users, ensuring streamlined communication. Additionally, products can be easily embedded into newsletters using drag and drop, and order data can be synced to enable automation and personalization. The app also offers features for segmenting contacts based on purchasing behavior and creating automated sales campaigns, making it a comprehensive solution for targeted marketing efforts.
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Kontakte synchronisieren
Produkte synchronisieren
Bestellungen synchronisieren

Mehr Umsatz mit DSGVO-konformen E-Mail-Marketing. Show more

Campaign.Plus E-Mail-Marketing is a powerful tool designed for quickly creating professional email campaigns aimed at reaching and informing customers while boosting sales. Its intuitive Drag & Drop Template Editor allows you to design stunning newsletter templates and seamlessly integrate products directly from your shop. The app's seamless integration capabilities enable the generation of specific selections from order data, enhancing the relevance of your newsletters and increasing their effectiveness. Users can synchronize contacts, including newsletter subscribers, buyers, and other users, ensuring streamlined communication. Additionally, products can be easily embedded into newsletters using drag and drop, and order data can be synced to enable automation and personalization. The app also offers features for segmenting contacts based on purchasing behavior and creating automated sales campaigns, making it a comprehensive solution for targeted marketing efforts.
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Kontakte synchronisieren
Produkte synchronisieren
Bestellungen synchronisieren
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