Optimize local delivery routes with driver app & notifications Show more
Local delivery routes planning & Driver App for local delivery Show more
Check your customer's age by scanning their driver's license. Show more
Local delivery route planner & driver app with GPS & SMS Show more
Easily create customers using driver's licenses on your POS system.
Easily create a mega menu or tab menu for store navigation. Show more
qikify Smart Menu ‑ Mega Menu is an intuitive app designed to help you enhance your online store’s navigation and conversion rates effortlessly. With its user-friendly interface, you can create a sophisticated mega menu without any coding skills. The app offers pre-designed templates and allows for the inclusion of an unlimited number of menu items, creating a seamless and visually appealing navigation system. qikify Smart Menu boosts customer experience and sales by enabling the promotion of featured products, collections, and banners through flexible widgets. Its customization options are vast, allowing full control over fonts, colors, and sizes while integrating various elements such as contact forms, Google Maps, and custom HTML. You can also add engaging labels, badges, and icons to highlight special deals and attract customer attention. The app supports multiple menu structures like mega menus, tab menus, and tree menus, each tailored to suit diverse store needs.
Seamlessly integrate Waze for enhanced, customizable website navigation.
Mega Menu: cool design, easy to create a drop down navigation Show more
Breadcrumb navigation and schema for rich snippets | SEO boost Show more
Enhance SEO, Simplify Navigation Show more
Add Sidebar Menu + Sidebar filter to improve site navigation Show more
Easy navigation menu with insta stories style, Smart menu Show more
Elevate Your Store Navigation with Our Mega Menu App! Show more
Social Media Style Navigation & Engaging Stories Like Menus Show more
Enhance mobile navigation with a customizable, sticky menu bar Show more
Recategorize your products, improve navigation and boost SEO. Show more
Store Locator & Dealer Locator with realtime navigation Show more
Duplicate and Import Navigation Menus Show more
Improve navigation with a customizable scroll-to-top button. Show more
Fully customizable scroll-to-top button, enhances navigation and user engagement.