Simplify shopping by displaying prices in local currency.
Works out of the box with any theme, and looks amazing! Add all the currencies with the push of a button. Convert prices instantly, on any device automatically or change them manually from the Currency Switcher. Since Shopify doesn't allow developers to convert prices on the Checkout page, we came up with a few ways to inform your customers of this. Either with a custom message on the cart page or if they hover over the converted prices, they'll be able to still see the original prices.
Geolocation Currency Switcher & Checkout Currency Conversion!...
Location based customizable automatic currency convertor
Shop globally, pay locally: Explore store in your currency!...
Allow customers to buy and checkout on their local currencies....
Auto Translate Language and Convert Currency by Geolocation...
Location based customizable automatic currency convertor
End-to-End localization platform for global brands
Rechtssicherheit: Automatische Aktualisierung der Rechtstexte...