Discount Rocket logo

Discount Rocket

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Easily show customers the next discounts they are eligible for

    Theme integration
    Shopify compatibility
    Automatic discounts
    Order discounts
    Goal-based promotions

    About Discount Rocket

    Launched May 31, 2024


    Built by TrippleFiveNano


    With Discount Rocket, every page view becomes an opportunity to encourage your customers to buy more using automatic discounts. Display the next applicable discounts that they may qualify for if their cart reaches a goal quantity or amount, based on the automatic discounts that are available in your store.

    With Discount Rocket, every page view becomes an opportunity to encourage your customers to buy more using automatic discounts. Display the next applicable discounts that they may qualify for if their cart reaches a goal quantity or amount, based on the automatic discounts that are available in your store. more
    • Easily integrates with your existing theme using app blocks
    • Compatible with Shopify's native automatic discounts
    • Works with order discounts


    • Encourages customers to buy more by showcasing next eligible discounts
    • Utilizes automatic discounts, streamlining the discount process for both store owners and customers
    • Easily integrates with existing Shopify themes using app blocks
    • Compatible with Shopify's native automatic discounts
    • Supports order discounts, broadening the scope of discount options for customers


    • Potentially repetitive content delivery as customers visit multiple pages, which might reduce the impact of the discounts
    • Requires a clear setup and understanding of discount goals and parameters to avoid customer confusion
    • Dependence on Shopify's automatic discount mechanisms, which might limit customization or flexibility for some advanced discount strategies

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