Showing 1 to 8 of 8 Apps
  • $20 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
155 Reviews

Calculated shipping rules & delivery zones to improve checkout

Product-specific rates
Real-time rates
Advanced shipping rules
Weight-based rates
Location-based rates
Extensive support
  • $12-$99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
7 Reviews

Draw and configure custom delivery areas on a map

Draw delivery areas
Geofenced delivery
Configure settings
Set pricing details
Use product tags
Exclusion zones

Real-time food delivery and curbside pickup order management

Automatic feedback collection
Product availability control
Real-time order management
Customizable preparation times
Delivery zones
Order acceptance/decline

Last mile delivery simplified

Delivery time slots
Time slot selection
Automates task creation
Customizable delivery zones
Order-to-delivery workflows
Reduces manual input

Envios a demanda en ultima milla

Pickup scheduling
Same-day shipping
Two-hour deliveries
Regional integration
  • $6.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Strategically allow or restrict delivery to selected locations

Control delivery zones
Specify delivery areas
Block specific regions
Upload csv pincodes
Customized checkout messages

Connect with local carriers, print labels, and track orders

Bulk label printing
Print labels
Custom notifications
Proof of delivery
Local carrier integration
Custom delivery zones
  • $1.99-$7.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Offer custom shipping rates based on postal/zip codes and more

Custom shipping rates
Customer tags
Zip/postal code precision
Day/time filters
Cart value rates
Zone-based rates